Chapter 43

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He was brought to the throne, half dead. His skin was ashen, his body limp as they carried him in.
      "He broke out of the cell, your grace. He murdered Daario, and almost your babe. Had it not been for your other dragon, he would've succeeded in the infanticide." An Unsullied soldier spat, throwing Jon forward onto the foot of her throne. Daenerys face turned to horror.
      "See to it that his wounds are taken care of by the maester. I'm not finished with him yet."

Daenerys walked into the maester's room, Jon laying on the table asleep.
      "Is he going to make it?"
      "Yes, your grace." Sam responded flatly. He was forced to serve whatever ruler came next, and it happened to be her.
      "When he's awoken, bring him to the throne room. While you're here, send messages to the lords of the kingdoms, telling them to bend the knee to the rightful ruler."
      "Yes, your grace."

Daenerys walked into the throne room, staring at her new throne. Balerion has forged the old throne, ushering in a new time. Now, Drogon had forged the new iron throne. It was the beginning of a new era. She sat on her throne, looking down from it, she swelled with pride. She had taken back her family birth right. She had created a legacy for the Targaryen family once more.
      "My queen." Greyworm called, carrying a bundle of furs in his arms.
Daenerys rushes down, taking the bundle from him. Visenya's sleeping face lay inside, as Daenerys smiled down on her daughter.
      "Organize a room for her, and assign extra guards. I don't trust my citizens just yet."
Greyworm nodded, as she dismissed him.
She took Visenya to the throne, sitting down with her cradled in her arms.
      "This will be yours someday." Daenerys whispered to her babe.
      "You're going to be the perfect queen."

Weeks had passed, as Jon began to build his strength. He was brought to the foot of the throne, with Daenerys sitting on top. Jon was forced to his knees. He stared up at his once love, his dark eyes sinking into hers.
      "Do you remember this spot, Jon?" She questioned, her gaze turned angry, feeling it burn into him.
      "Yes, your grace."
      "How do you remember it?" She questioned, her hands gripping the throne.
      "I killed you here."
Daenerys stood up, unsheathing a knife from the waistband of her dress.
      "This knife." she walked to him, standing above him.
Jon only nodded. His gaze sunk down. His shoulders slumped in guilt.
Daenerys knelt next to him, forcing him to look at her.
      "What you have done is treason. What you have done to my love...and almost my daughter." Daenerys choked out. Her throat tightened as she tried to hold back her own tears. She stared down at the man she once loved, was there ever a way to repair this?
      "Stop!" She cried out, trying her best to stay strong. "Don't. I am not your Dany. I'm the queen of the seven kingdoms. You've already tried to take that away once, then you left to find another woman."
      "I thought you were gone..."
      "You wanted me gone!" She cried out. "I had nothing but fear here, even from you. I was alone! I was alone and terrified! You killed me for it!" She broke. When one tear slipped past, the gates broke, as she unleashed streams of sobs.
      "Daenerys, I need to tell you something." Jon whispered. She wiped her tears away, staring at her love.
Jon reached forward to touch her face.
      "She's our-"
A jerking reaction. An adrenaline rush hit her. She replayed the moments she was murdered, the moment he leaned forward...
She lunged forward with the knife instinctively.
It found its way to Jon's stomach.
Jon fell backwards, as Daenerys screamed in horror.
      "No! No! No!" She cried, crawling to Jon's side. She raked her nails against her face in grief. "Get the maester!" She cried to her soldier, as an unsullied ran out the doors.
She stared down at her love, his face in shock.
      "Jon...I never meant to...I don't want you to die." She cried, holding his face in her hands.
      "Your babe..." He choked out, clutching Daenerys arm with the last of his strength.
She sobbed into his chest, holding him close to her.
      "I love you...Dany."
      "Please...please don't die." Her body raised and fell with sobs. There was no response.
She stared up at her love, but there was nothing in his face. No warmth, no emotion.
Daenerys screamed. She pounded her fists against the stone and cried.

      "Your's time."
The darkness around her had swallowed her long ago. She hadn't left her spot next to Jon in hours. She still lay over his body, as her own raised and fell with sobs.
      "Leave me." She choked.
      "Your grace we need to get rid of the body." A soldier called.
Greyworm walked forward and picked Daenerys up, as she burst into cries again.

The warm glow of the candlelight filled the room, as Daenerys picked up her child Visenya. She stared down at her, seeing her eyes greet her own.
Dark eyes.
Daenerys stared down, as tears slipped down her face. She held her babe close, sobs filling her body.
The father of her child, gone.

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