Chapter 27

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      "Lord Tyrion, Erid Targaryen wants to see you." Podrick called, as Tyrion set down a stack of paper. He nodded to the knight, as he stepped aside and allowed the woman in.
      "Lady Erid, I'm so glad to see you. How is your babe?""
      "Just fine. Very healthy, She's napping now, I refuse a wet nurse. Only for watching the babe when me and my beloved are away from her." Erid sat in front of Tyrion at his desk.
"I've abandoned all my traditions of being a wildling. I've thrown away my culture and my beliefs out of love for Jon. I've left friends and family for Jon. I've gone through unimaginable physical and emotional pain, for Jon. Now, you plan to set me in a place, where the dragon queen will go to first? You want to put my babe and I at risk? When she's the one who will murder her for sharing the last name."
"Dragonstone's design makes it impossible to breech. It's Valyrian made, it will not fall. There are places aplenty to hide need be. With guards, you'll be safer there than you are in Kings Landing." Tyrion spoke, taking a drink of wine.
"Can you promise me, Lord Tyrion, that Lyanna will be safe." Erid pleaded, desperation filling her sad, grey eyes. "She's my only child."
"Erid, no harm will come of your babe. Daenerys would not murder you or the babe. She's a better person than so."
Erid stood up, walking towards the door.
"Tell that to your citizens, Lord Tyrion."

"Another small council." Tyrion glared up to Brianne, who had just delivered the news.
"Yes. We need to discuss what will be done of Daenerys."
"I can't enjoy one dinner first?"
Brianne rolled her eyes.
"You can afterwards."
Tyrion followed the leader of the Kingsguard, so the oh so familiar room. There, Bran and the rest of the council sat, awaiting the two.
"So she has a new dragon. She has her unsullied now sailing into her bay. She has her iron fleet that is just a few days behind. Yet she plans to wait?" Edmure spoke, taking a sip of the goblet set on the table.
"She's pregnant." Bran spoke aloud.
"Moon tea would fix that right and proper." Bronn called, looking at the rest of the council.
"She already has more guards in her pyramid, she's going to be more careful now after our last assassin failed." Sansa spoke coldly, her face as deadpan as Bran's.
"There has to be some peace we could make with her?" Gendry asked.
"No. After Jon murdered her, there's no extinguishing the fire of anger she's got now. I can only imagine the torture she plans for each and every one of us." Tyrion chugged at his wine. "The most we can do is begin making scorpion bolts in the seven kingdoms, Incase she tries to do what Aegon the first did."
The meeting had finally ended, the council was lost what to do, besides begin preparing. Ser Davos was already working on scorpion bolts for ships, as well as Edmure for the seven kingdoms. Tyrion has finally settled in his room, waiting for his meal when a knock came at the door. He hobbled over and opened it, only to see Sansa Stark.
"My lady, shouldn't you be in bed? You're due to give birth soon."
"I'm quite alright, thank you Lord Tyrion. Might I join you for dinner? I wish to talk about the plans."
Tyrion invited her in, just in time for a servant to bring in a serving of dinner.
"Get the lady something as well." He spoke to the servant, as he rushed back down to the kitchens.
"It's been almost a year since Daenerys was brought back. She's gathered so much support, and another dragon. Now she'll possibly have a true heir for her name." Sansa spoke, taking a sip of her plum juice.
"Yes, but she's waiting longer. She wants her dragon full and grown, and her child to be born."
The servant interrupted once more, carrying in another covered dish. When the tops of the plates were unveiled, inside lay a plate full of spicy honeyed duck, spiced squash, and candied ginger. Tyrion began to pick at the duck.
"When she decides to attack, we'll all be in peril. You especially. And my brothers." Sansa stared up at him, taking a candied ginger in her mouth.
"Jon especially. Then I. I told Erid she'd be even safer on Dragonstone. Jon would be in Kings Landing, to help fight."
"How do you know she won't go after him first?" Sansa asked, taking a leg of the duck.
"Because most likely, she'll go after the things most dear to him. However, she won't be able to from Dragonstone. It's designed to withstand the toughest of sieges. Erid and her babe will be safe there, once Daenerys goes to attack us."

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