Chapter 8

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A knock at the shop door called out, it was late at night and the stars were twinkling in the city of Volantis. Daenerys slowly folded herself over her legs and pushed herself up off her bed on the floor. She slipped down the stairs, careful not to wake Bani and Mativa. She slowly opened the door to the outside. In the moonlight stood the red priestess who had revived her.
"You must come with me. You will be back before sunup." She turned and began walking down the empty street, not awaiting her response.
Daenerys reluctantly followed, in her clinging nightgown and bare feet, she trailed behind the red woman. The air was cool and the breeze was refreshing.
They had walked back to the red temple once more, as she held open the door for Daenerys as an invite. As she walked in, a crowd of figures dressed in red lay waiting for her.
"The lord of light advised us to not help and interfere at first. But now we have his blessing." The original priestess spoke.
"Whatever do you mean?" Daenerys turned her head to the priestess, then to the red cloaked group.
"We advised Bani while she sent a bird, to have the unsullied meet you in Meereen. Your love awaits you eagerly. There, you may rally soldiers of Astaphor, Yunkai, and Meereen."
"Why? Why do you tell me all of this? Why have you planned it? How did you know my plan?" Daenerys's head spun of what to do, it began to be overwhelming.
"We believe in you. We always have. You were made with fire in you, the lord of light sent you specially to liberate the seven kingdoms."
Daenerys walked back to Bani's shop, but not before walking to the messengers. The red temple loaned her currency to buy ships to Meereen, but this was as important. She withdrew a slip of paper and began to scribe,
'Yara Greyjoy of House Greyjoy, your queen awaits you in the city of Meereen. With fire and blood, Daenerys of House Targaryen.'

The harsh sunlight shined on Daenerys, as she felt Mativa bounce on her half asleep body. She wrapped both her arms around the young girl and squeezed, releasing giggles inside the room. Crawling up, she walked to where Bani was cooking a type of bird egg as breakfast.
"Bani, I have news." Daenerys smiled, watching Bani's face turn to her in a equal smile.
"You'll see your family in Meereen. The red temple has given me enough to sail to Meereen in my own ships, to rally support and sail to the kingdoms."
The small room erupted in delight, Metiva as equally excited. The group ate together, and discussed what they would do when they reached Meereen.
"My queen, I've been working on something specially for you." Bani stood, and walked downstairs to the shop. As she walked upwards once more, Daenerys caught sight of the gown she had made for her. Black with a red tint that reflected in the sun, layered on a scaled pattern with sleeves that flowed at the bottom like a dragons wing. She took the dress with great care, as she walked to the curtained corner. As she tried it on, she looked down, the deep cut chest area showed Daenerys scar. She beamed with power.
Not even death can stop the dragon.
"It's beautiful." She felt the texture, soft and light. "It will be perfect for Meereen."
Bani and Metiva grabbed sacks and began packing their belongings. Bani closed and locked the shop from behind her as the group set out down the crowded Volantian street. Passerby's stared in awe at the dragon queens dress, outfitted with her cape and chain she had worn before. Walking to the port, she bargained with the man enough to buy three personal ships.
"I want them renamed, as well as the sails painted. You can do it as they load the supplies onboard." She spoke, handing the man a chest of money.
With a smile, he took the chest. "What will their names be?"
"The largest ship will be Drogon. The other two's names will be Rhaegal and Viserion."
The three women boarded the ship named Drogon, as Mativa ran through the deck of the ship, leaning over the side to look at the indigo waves lapping at the vessel.
"I hope you do not mind." A voice called behind them, as the red priestess boarded the ship, "I want to serve you in the city of Meereen, but from there I go no further."
Daenerys nodded, with a faint smile. "I never did receive your name, to properly thank you for what you did for me."
The woman only smiled back, "Kinvara. The only person to thank is the lord himself."
The black sails flew up, the red Targaryen dragon displayed proudly in the air.
"My queen, if the sea is kind we'll reach Meereen in under a week." A crewman spoke.
Daenerys stood at the crest of the ship, feeling the wind of the sea on her skin, the sleeves of her dress flowed behind her as if she were a dragon herself.
A sudden screech ripped through the air, sending everyone's head skyward.
Above the ship, Drogon followed, his massive wings beating the air.
I am the blood of the dragon. And I will take back what is mine.

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