Chapter 23

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The icy blue dragon had not left Drogons side. It laid on his back, soaking up the heat from Drogon in the Meereen sun. Dany walked to Drogon, giving him a rub on the side of his head as she climbed up to the new baby dragon. There he laid, with iridescent blue scales that shifted from white to other shiny colors. The baby opened its eyes, its white irises looking her up and down. It jumped onto Dany's lap, humming like a cat. She stroked the top of its head with a smile. Another child I've brought into the world. Daario approached her in shock.
      " did you know?"
      "It's how my other three children were born as well." The baby dragon rushed across her lap and went back to Drogon.
      "What will you name it?" Daario spoke, staring in awe at the new dragon.
      "It's name will be Baehra, after the woman who helped me off the streets of Volantis."
      "Your grace, I'm so very pleased for your new dragon." Kinvara spoke, glancing into the flames. "I see a very promising future with this new dragon of yours." Dany smiled, her face brimmed with joy.
      "Thank you, you and your following have been the biggest of helps for my cause."
Kinvara smiled, "Because you were the one who was promised. You will cleanse the world and usher in a new way."
Daario entered their shared bed chamber, seeing Daenerys laying in bed with the new dragon. It laid on her chest, fast asleep. Dany looked up to Daario with a smile, as he spied Drogon sleeping just outside the great pyramid. Be laid down next to Dany, wakening the dragon as it scurried to the open porch area, laying in the sun.
      "I think we should celebrate this day." Dany spoke, getting up and on top of Daario.
      "I thought you said you didn't want to risk anything." He smiled, wrapping his arms around her.
      "The witch said I would bare no children. We have years until I'll retake the seven kingdoms, let's have some fun until then."
Kinvara sat in front of her flames, as Mativa walked up to her,
      "What are you doing?" She asked, sitting on the floor by the red woman.
      "Looking into the future by using the fires."
She foresaw Daenerys taking Kings Landing, ruling with Daario, but the image split. A new one took ahold of the flames, leaving Kinvara in a state of shock.
A young child, around the age of five stood with Daenerys, the icy blue dragon that had just hatched today was her size.
      "A child." Kinvara gasped, the visions disappearing from sight.
Daenerys walked into the main room, with Daario trailing behind her.
      "My queen." Kinvara walked up to her, "You're with child."
Dany's face turned red, "What? Why would you say that?"
      "The fires. They foretold a child. Your dragon was hatched today! It all makes sense!"
Daario stared in shock at the women, Daenerys turned to him.
      "I didn't know it could happen."
      "Your grace I'm not usually wrong when it comes to my visions. With you, your child will rule the seven kingdoms."

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