Chapter 26

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"How far along am I?" Dany asked the red priestess, staring down to her flat belly. She imagined herself in months growing, her stomach protruding outwards.
"I just saw a vision of you with your future child, your grace. You'll still have months until it is born. The lord won't tell me if it's a boy or girl."
Dany nodded, looking to Daario, "I need more guards. They know I'm alive here, and I know it's not the last they'll send of an assassin. Robert Baratheon tried on me already when i was pregnant, just a young girl. I doubt whoever has my throne will let me live this time."
"I won't let them hurt you or our child." Daario spoke, leaving the main room to summon more guards for the pyramid.
"I want to know what's happening in Westeros." Daenerys looked at the red woman, as Kinvara nodded.
"Queen Sansa Stark gives birth very soon. She's now the ruler of the independent kingdom, Winterfell. Brandon Stark is king of the six kingdoms through some sort of democracy. Jon Snow has a wildling wife and a new daughter. She's taken the last name Targaryen. The iron throne was destroyed by your dragon after you were murdered."
Daenerys froze. She felt her body tremble, as her throat and eyes began to burn. He killed me, and he's already moved on to have a child? Her eyes began forming tears, Mativa noticed and stood next to her, taking Dany's hand in her small one.
"Your grace I'm so very sorry."Kinvara spoke, putting her head down.
"No, it's not your fault." Dany gripped Mativa's hand, looking down to the girl. "I need a spy in Kings Landing. I want to know what they're doing in there."
"I'll do it." Mativa met Daenerys in the eyes, a glint of hope formed, her childlike smile spread across her face once more.
"I can never put you in any sort of danger like that."
"No I want to! I want revenge for what happened to Bani." Mativa's eyes filled with determination. "Please."
"Let the girl go. Out of everyone, she'd be the least suspicious." Daario called, carrying himself up to the floor where the main room was. "If anything, she'd be placed to take care of someone of an importance. She could send us information and maybe even sabotage them."
"After what I did to Sansa Starks husband, I couldn't begin to imagine what they would do to her." Daenerys looked down to Mativa, then to Daario.
"No! I'm sneaky! I want to help." Mativa pleaded.
"Is this safe." Dany's eyes full of worry looked to Kinvara, who stared into her sacred flames.
"I see no complications with this. The girl will be fine."
Daenerys met outside the next morning with Daario and Mativa, a small boat filled with supplies and another servant sat, as Mativa looked ready to be on board. Dany hugged the young girl, tears pricked at her eyes.
"Please tell me you'll send a raven. Please tell me you'll be safe." She cried over and over once more, Mativa nodded. She gave Dany a hug back.
"I will be. I'll send as many ravens as I can to you with information."
Dany placed her hands on the face of Mativa, looking in her golden brown eyes.
"You don't use your real name. Your name is now Maeva Sand, from Dorne. Don't ever mention you're from Volantis."
Mativa nodded, smiling. "I will."
"My queen they must depart." Daario spoke, placing a hand on her shoulder.
Mativa said her goodbyes as she embarked on the ship, heading to Kings Landing.
"It was a mistake." Daenerys croaked. "They'll do worse than kill her if they find out."
"She's a smart girl. She's going to be safe."
Daenerys saddled her black mare and trotted back to the great pyramid, with Daario at her side. Dany kept turning her head back, to check the ship, as if it were going to sail back into port. Alas, it embarked towards the rising sun, straight towards the jaws and claws of the dire wolves.

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