Chapter 5

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Tyrion sat at the long table, waiting for the rest of the small council to appear. As hand of the king, it was his own duty to set them up. So far, only Brianne, the commander of the kings guard had appeared. The sun shined through the open windows, blowing the Stark grey curtains side to side like a specter.
"Any word on a master of whispers? Master of laws? Master of war?" Brianne spoke, leaning her sword against the high backed chair.
"That's why I called this. I wonder if they even got the message." He spoke, taking a sip of wine.
The thumping up the spiral stairs brought the two's attention to the door. Through the door, Sam burst through with a stack of books blocking his face.
"Sorry I'm late. I had to find the record books." He mumbled, throwing them onto the Maester's chair while looking around.
      "Well where's the rest of 'em?"
Tyrion frowned.
      "That's what we hoped you would know."  For a little while, the three council members sat and talked, discussing which house would take position in the small council.
      "Why not Sansa Stark as master of law?" Tyrion suggested, scribbling the possible names onto a papyrus sheet.
      "What better way to link the two kingdoms?" Brianne followed.
      The door slowly opened as Ser Podrick wheeled Bran inside, his face as deadpan as usual.
Behind them followed Bronn and Davos.
      "Well, what took you so long." Brianne leaned back in her chair.
      "Daenerys is alive in Volantis." Bran spoke. The room was silent.
      "Impossible. John Snow stabbed her through the heart. Her body was taken by the dragon." Tyrion stammered, and began feeling his heart quicken.
      "She is becoming popular there. The red priests and priestesses know who she is now. She is getting support. She is getting her army back."
      Brianne stood up, pushing the table back into Bronn,
      "We need to do something! An assassin, someone! She burnt Kings Landing to the ground and she will with us too."
      "You forget we have no master of whispers." Tyrion spoke.
      "Well, there has to be someone of a great house who can serve as such." Davos looked to the other council members.
      "Yet you forget at least 3 great houses were wiped out by the dragon queen and her war." Bronn spat back.
      "We mustn't bicker. The red priests will be backing her and her cause. We shall find a master of whispers and assign a man to kill Daenerys." Bran stared into the wall.
      "Gendry Baratheon. Would he not make a fine one? Especially since he's right next to Drgonstone. That will be where she retreats to first." Tyrion suggested. Bran nodded in agreement.
      "And a master of war?" Bronn turned to the council.
      "Edmure Tully has seen many a war. I believe he would be quite happy on our council. Along with your sister, Sansa as our master of law."
      "What does the queen of the north know of laws?"
      "What does the master of coin know about saving a gold dragon." Brianne narrowed her eyes to Bronn.
      "We have our cabinet. I'll send a raven to Gendry, and in turn he will send ravens to the North and the Riverlands." Sam chipped in, taking his quill and paper out.

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