Chapter 35

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Another month passing by, another month on fruitless tasks set by Daenerys.
Still he could recall the twisting pain in his chest while he left the pyramid, as if he killed Daenerys a second time. The precious woman he once fell in love with was gone, he knew that now. He had awoken something in her, fiercer than ever. He swallowed his feelings once more, pushing them aside. He was just coming back to Dragonstone, having only been there for one day before leaving Erid and his babe.

      "Jon, please. Please don't leave." Erid cried, holding Lyanna. "What of our babe? If something happens to you because of her..."
      "Daenerys swore me safety. Erid, I have to go. If I can stop this war before it ever starts-"
      "Youre a stupid man, Jon Snow!" Erid cut him off, her anger at the brink. "You heard what she did to Korb! You stupid man, I wont forgive you for this." She sobbed, turning her back on him, leaving him at the dock.
"It's probably just the babe." A shipman spoke, leaning on the ship post. "You know how women are."
Jon sighed, boarding the boat. It's not like her to act like this...
      "Jon? Jon! Are you getting on or not?" The captain yelled, as Jon began to embark on the ship, towards Meereen.

"Where's my wife?" Jon spoke, searching the rooms of Dragonstone.
"She's scarcely been seen out of her room." A guard motioned towards a room at the end of the hall. Slowly, Jon crept in.
"I said I'm not hungry, Nessus! Piss off!" Erid snapped, turning her head to the door. Her face didn't soften as it once did, yet it was the opposite.
"You're back." Erid spoke, turning to face the wall as she did before. Baby Lyanna was in her arms, cooing and babbling, reaching her tiny hands to her mothers face.
"Aye. I just sailed in." Jon walked to her, putting an arm around her with a kiss on her cheek. He sat down next to her on the bed. She didn't try to return the kiss, or even look at him.
"How did it go. With her." Erid spoke coldly, setting Lyanna down. She was able to sit up now, as her dark eyes led up to her father.
"Not well."
"As I told you." She snapped once more. "You're lucky you're even alive."
"She didn't threaten my life." Jon picked Lyanna up, as her giggles filled the open room.
"Yet. You understand why I'm upset, about you seeing her? After what all happened." A wall thickened between the two, as Erid shied away from his arm.
"She's just trying to keep us apart. So it's easier when she attacks." Jon spoke, placing a hand on her face.
"So she said she would attack us?" Erid lifted her head to meet Jon's eyes.
      "She...threatened...but I doubt she will. If she does, Dragonstone was built to withstand any attack."
Erid stood, her eyes narrowing to Jon. She withdrew Lyanna from his arms. "If you truly believe that, you're a bigger fool than when you left."

      "Sansa left Kings Landing?" Jon spoke, reading the ravens note.
      "Aye, your grace. Daenerys gives birth in just a few months. She's gone with her son to protect him."
Jon sighed, as he set down the note. Another war is going to break out soon. There's nothing he could do.
      "Send one back, telling I'm home from Meereen."
The man nodded, breaking away from Jon.
      "Do you know how it feels? To be in a strange castle, alone, for two months?" Erid spoke, coming up behind him.
      "I'm sorry, Erid. But I needed to try."
      "You tried, and showed her you're weak. You can be pushed around. That mentality will get you killed, Jon Snow."
      "Enough!" Jon yelled, turning to face his wife. Their faces both cold with tension.
      "Don't you see, this is what Daenerys wants. You're playing into it." Jon snapped at her.
      "Just as you did." She spoke, turning her back on him.

A/N: y'all are fuckin WILD getting this to 9k. Thank you so much for all your comments and support!

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