Chapter 10

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The early morning light turned the north into a beautiful pink hue as the cold winter winds snapped and blew at the two silhouettes. As they walked through the gardens of Winterfell, the tall figure wrapped an arm around the other. The week of courting was up between the two royals. Korb held the door for the queen as she stepped into the warm castle, throwing back the fur hood of her cloak. On her eyelashes and hair, snowflakes lay before melting away in the heat of the indoors.
"Sansa Stark, of Winterfell. The week is up." Korb spoke, helping her with her cloak.
"As I'm aware." She replied, taking the cloak from his hands and hanging it up on the stone wall. She turned to the young lord and gave him a smile. "I accept."
Korb gave a laugh, picking her up with a spin.
"Why wait longer, my queen? The moon will be full tonight, and we may find a suitable dress. We have until nightfall." The maester spoke to the newly engaged couple.
"Lovely. We want the small personal ceremony in the gods wood, and a reception in the hall of Winterfell." Sansa smiled as Korb clutched her hand, giving it a squeeze and a smile.
Sansa stepped into the steaming bath, as her handmaiden poured in a lemon and lavender oil into the bath. The door to the washroom opened.
"Lady Stark, is it okay if I come in?" The tailor spoke through the crack of the door.
"Of course." She spoke, sinking into the warm water.
The older woman walked in, with a small sheet of paper and a quill. "I just wanted to know an idea of your wedding dress."
Sansa thought for a second. "White fur and a lace." She sunk her hair under the water, the scent of the lavender soaking in.
"It would be my honor, my queen." She dismissed herself as she closed the door behind her.
Sansa turned to her handmaiden, "Please send a raven to my brother in Kings Landing and tell him the news." The young woman nodded and left Sansa alone. Sansa began to scrub her hair clean, along with her skin. Anticipation burned in her. She had not had a lucky streak with marriages, but Korb had shown himself to be a much better man than the rest.
The first star appeared in the sky, the dusk outlined the torches by the weirwood.
Sansa sat in her chambers, her handmaiden had braided her hair only on the sides, leaving a place for her direwolf crown. Her wedding dress was made of white fur, with a lace front. A long white cloak topped it off.
Sansa stood in front of the mirror, the silver crown and accents reflected in the candle light.
"Lady Stark, Lord Korb is by the weirwood." The handmaiden spoke, squinting out the open window.
"Thank you, Lyda." Sansa spoke as she embarked down the castle steps. With no one to give her away, she wasted no time to walk to the gods wood. She followed the foot path until she caught sight of the torches, that led to her husband. Behind him stood the maester, ready to officiate the wedding. A sudden hand grasped her lace arm. She turned to see a man, similar to Korb.
"Lady Stark, I'm sorry to come so abruptly. I'm Korbs younger brother, Meeca. I've come to give you away."
Sansa paused, "How did you get here so quickly?"
"He thought you'd say yes." His brother rolled his eyes as Sansa smiled.
Meeca held onto Sansa's arm, leading her down the torch lit aisle. Korb stared at Sansa in his awe, a smile spread on his face to his bride. The two stopped in front of Korb and the maester.
"Who comes before the old gods this night?" He spoke, staring at the two.
"Sansa of House Stark, comes here to be wed. A woman grown, true born and noble. She comes to beg the blessings of the gods. Who comes to claim her?" Meeca responded, slowly letting go of her arm.
"Korb Uxor, heir to the Stonewell. Who gives her?"
"Meeca of House Uxor, her brother in law."
"Lady Sansa, do you take this man?" The maester spoke, Sansa laid eyes on Korb, as a smile spread on her face.
"I do."
The feast afterwards was massive. Piles of honeyed chickens, freshly baked bread, cod cakes, venison stew, pork pies, and a seafood stew to honor house Tully. For desert, a stack of lemon cakes for Sansa, sweet wines and fruit tarts.
There was music and festivities, as the married couple sat on the high table, feasting on the several courses of meals. Korb leaned over and planted a kiss onto his brides face. Sansa turned to him with a smile as she took a sip of her wine.
After the meal was finished, a man stood up from the table, "It's time for the bedding ceremony!" The hall erupted in cheer.
Sansa and Korb gave each other a laugh and smile as they walked down from the table. The men grabbed Sansa and carried her to her chambers, her wedding dress being unzipped and taken off as she grabbed her crown, stopping it from hitting the crowd. From the corner of her eye, she saw her husband being dragged up the stairs, his black and silver doublet and furs being stripped and thrown off him.
The men arrived at the chambers first, tossing her into the room while shouting their jokes, and soon the women followed, doing the same. Korb closed the door behind him as the jokes began to fade, with the crowd going back to the hall.
The half undressed couple faced eachother with a laugh, as they finished the undressing themselves.
A much better wedding night it was.

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