Chapter 39

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"My brother has been kidnapped! And you mean to tell me our fleet is already brunt!" Sansa stood up from her throne, as the soldier below her looked down in shame.
"We sailed on Dragonstone to save your brother, my queen. But she has two dragons, our entire fleet was in flames."
Sansa sat down, her face in her hands.
"What of my niece? What of Jon's wife?"
"If the reports are true, Daenerys sent the child to Essos. Erid Targaryen was burnt alive inside a boat, before we could have ever done anything." He spoke grimly. Sansa felt her heart sink into her stomach.
"Leave me." She ordered.
She bit her lip. Her eyes burnt, a promise of oncoming tears. She restrained herself, wiping her face. I'm next. Daenerys is coming for the North next. She thought, as she stood up quickly. She broke into a run to the guards outside.
      "Secure the entrances, and ready the scorpion bolts. She's coming after the North next."
The screech ripples through the wide land, as the Northerners looked up. Across the field a dragon flew, heading to Winterfell.
      "Ready the bolts!" Sansa cried, as she searched for a servant.
      "Take Kob and place him in the crypts. I'll follow shortly." Sansa ordered, seeing the dragon touch down on the field.
      "Open the gates." She spoke, as the guards stared in awe.
      "My queen...I-"
      "NOW!" She cried, as they quickly scattered to the crank. Slowly as they turned, the gates opened, as Daenerys stood just outside, her dragon behind her.
      "Have you come to bend the knee?" Daenerys spoke, as Drogon stirred behind her defensively.
      "Just as i told you before, the North is independent. We bend to no one now." Sansa's red hair flew behind her, as Daenerys smiled.
      "I'm giving you a chance, to keep your kingdom. To spare there lives of thousands."
      "And I'm giving you the chance to leave now, before your dragon turn into Meraxes." Sansa snapped, as Daenerys face hardened. The black dragon behind her let out a deep growl, but the dragon queen held her chin up.
      "So be it."
The dragon opened its wings, letting out a jarring scream. His long neck lunged forward, taking a Northern man and swallowing him whole. A guard threw Sansa into the castle walls, as she broke into a sprint to the crypts. Her mind was in a blur as she fumbled with the handle to escape. From the corner of her eye, she saw Daenerys climb onto the black dragon, it's terrifying screams filled the air. Men began arming themselves, picking up swords and spears. She ran down the spiraled stairs, to her baby boy that lay waiting. Her handmaiden stood, holding Kob.
      "She's come for the North." Sansa whispered, as if she would hear them. Above them, she could hear the screams of men burnt alive, the falling of stone, and the cries of dragons.
      "The Fire can't touch us from here." The woman spoke, handing Sansa her son. The falling of Winterfells towers echoed through the crypts, waking the babe. She cradled him close, trying to ignore the destruction of her home.

It was silent. Only the sound of marching feet and a mumble of words came through. Sansa gripped onto her child. She had lost. The North had lost. She heard the sound of the ruined door kicked open, as she hid her face. The rhythmic marching came down the stairs, as Sansa was seized with her handmaiden. The men marched her up the stairs, as the pale light hit her eyes.
Everywhere was rubble, not a tower remaining on Winterfell. Northern men lay dead on the ground, as unsullied soldiers picked up their swords. Sansa was taken to where the front of Winterfell once was, where Daenerys was perched on her dragon. She slowly unmounted, walking to Sansa in a mocking way.
      "Do you still refuse me?"
      "More than ever." Sansa spat.
      "Take the child, and put her in the cell. She can see Kings Landing burn as well."
An unsullied snatches Kob from her arms, as two more restrained her.
      "Give him back! Where is my brother! What have you done with him!" Sansa cried, lunging for her babe.
      "Your brother is prisoner in Dragonstone. He's surrounded by my Unsullied." Daenerys looked to the handmaiden, seeing her tremble.
      "Let this one go ahead of us, to Kings Landing. Let her tell them what they have coming."

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