Chapter 3: Meeting the CPUs

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EX: I do not own Hyperdimension Neptunia/ Dragon Ball Z or Dragon Ball Super, I do however own my OC Zackary! With that out of the way, enjoy the next chapter or at least try!

Zack was laying on the couch sleeping where he passed out in the neptunia sister's room, after playing too much of that RPG and drinking too much of those energy drinks. Neptune was on the floor, sleeping and there were dozens upon dozens of Nep Bull cans on the floor.

"Ughhh... why did I do this?" Zack questioned the things he did last night. He didn't go all out crazy, no. However he did drink a ton of Nep Bulls, which is why he has a really bad headache right now.

The headache slowly went away after a couple minutes, and he realized how many Nep Bull cans were on the floor.

"I better clean these up fast, otherwise Histoire will get very mad." Zack did just that, in a couple minutes. There was about 50-60 Nep Bull cans on the floor.

"Jeez, Neptune must have drank more than me..." Even for a small girl such as herself, Zack can't believe how much she could drink in an hour. Last night, we had a contest to see who could drink more Nep Bulls in an hour. She had 60 and Zack had 50. It wasn't good for either of them to drink that much.

He was surprised that they were even able to sleep after how much they drank, but for some people caffeine makes them tired instead of wide awake. For both of them it was a bad idea.

"WAKE UP NEPTUNE!" Yep. There was no mistaking who that was. Histoire, who is a nice person, but when you get under her skin, she can be very serious and strict at times.

"AHHH! What Histy?" Neptune shot up like a bullet, hearing Histoire's voice.

Zack didn't want to stand there any longer so he went outside of the basilicom to start his martial arts training.

-Time Skip, 20 minutes later-

"Hya!" Zack kicked the air again, with sweat visible all over his face.

He kneeled on the ground, breathing heavily remembering IF's words.

I won't trust you until you prove to me that you are what Histoire said you would be!

From what I am seeing now is pathetic!

"I... I need to continue training to prove to IF that I am not pathetic. KAIO-KENNN!"

A red aura appeared around Zack, as he cupped both of his hands to his side.



"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Zack released the energy wave into the sky, once again his muscles were being strained too much. Probably from using that last Kaio-Ken attack. He kneeled onto the ground, about to pass out, with his hands trying to grasp the dirt.

Then he remembered, since he came to his world, he had a pouch of those rejuvenating senzu beans. He forgot he had them. Swallowing one, he felt instantly refreshed.

"Ah much better!" Zack noticed something going on at the basilicom. A lot of commotion. Usually he would have expected Neptune to do something like this, but this time was different. Entering the Planeptune Basilicom, after about 20 minutes of training, he found to be odd. Not because of the situation, but because there were 3 more people here.

He could only assume that they were the CPUs of the other nations. It was just an assumption though doesn't mean he was right.

"NEPU! Where is Zack, he has been gone for about 20 minutes since he left me to do paperwork. When I find him, he will be beaten a thousand times over." She was holding her wooden sword as she proclaimed that.

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