Chapter 41: The Final Bout!

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EX: Okay, so this is the final fight, of the FIRST part of Saiyandimension Neptunia. The next chapter is the ending, and the cliffhanger to start the next part. I call it Saiyandimension Neptunia MK2. Now after this and the ending. There will be a LOT of chapters coming your way.

-Skies Above Planeptune-

"So what do you think?" Zack asked with a smirk. Kurome took it all in, seeing that he was powerful. Way more powerful than she anticipated.

"So what is this form?" Kurome asked, a bit intrigued, by the sudden transformation.

"Let's just say, I got a taste of something called Super Saiyan God, and now I have learned to obtain the next level." Zack said with a chuckle.

"Not bad, not bad at all. You might be the first person to fight me in my new form." Kurome said, surprising the saiyan.

"Wait you have a new form?" Zack asked, remembering the time Goku fought Golden Frieza.

"But I won't transform just yet, I want to see just how powerful you really are." Kurome smirked.

"Oh believe me you will." Zack got into his combat stance.

While they were in the sky, Nepgear was watching Zack intently. Watching his every move.

"You better not lose Zack." She said.

"Don't worry Nep Jr, I'm sure he can beat her. Besides that new form he's got might be enough." Neptune said to cheer her up.

"The real battle starts here!" Zack said, flying towards Kurome at godly speeds.

'He's fast!' Kurome thought, shocked by this new development.

Kurome tried to block with her arms, but Zack was too fast for her, and quickly jabbed her in the stomach, causing her to cough out saliva.

"Look Zack hit her!" Neptune announced.

"Wait really? How!? We couldn't even lay a scratch on her!" Uzume said, frustrated.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Zack screamed, before sending a kick towards her, that sent her flying a couple feet away. She recovered and stood back up.

"Tsk!" Kurome sounded, as her lip started to bleed. She wiped it away.

"Looks like I injured you, huh all mighty Kurome?" Zack joked.

"Don't get cocky! That was just a scratch!" Kurome replied, angry.

"Mistress Kurome, how about we jump into the fight now and take care of this saiyan?" Anti-Nep asked.

"That would be a great help." Kurome said, before trying to escape.

"Bro! Looks like you get to fight after all!" Zack said, looking towards the ground. Koan flew up towards Zack.

"Okay Zack, what's the plan?" Koan asked.

"You take on these Anti-CPUs, I am going to go after Kurome." Zack said, before he flew after Kurome, who seemed to be heading towards Lowee.

"With pleasure." Koan said, cracking his knuckles.

"We need to go after the other one." Anti-Noire said, planning to go after Zack who was chasing Kurome.

Before they could make a move towards the saiyan. Koan appeared in front of them.

"All of you are not going anywhere." Koan said with a big grin on his face, when they all laughed.

"You certainly won't be able to defeat us in your base form!" Anti-Nep said, as they were still laughing at Koan.

"Oh... are you all in for a surprise! I TOO HAVE BECOME A GOD! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" A large dark maroon light appeared similar to Zack's appeared and blinded the Anti-CPUs.

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