Chapter 34: Demon Realm War (Part 2 of 3)

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Zack's POV, Planeptune

I turned on my wristband to call the other CPUs, but they weren't picking up.

"Damn, what are we going to do? We have to warn everyone, before Demigra's army destroys the nations." I asked, frustrated with Ryuka on my back.

"Uh Zack..." Nepgear called, making me look at her, as she faced the island that Demigra wished for. I looked towards the skies above the island, seeing thousands of demons flying towards each of the four nations. Some appeared in front of us.

"So bro, what's the plan?" Koan asked.

"We fight until we reach Demigra's castle, and kill that bastard once and for all. But first..." I said, before grabbing a senzu bean out of the pouch on my belt, and putting it in Ryuka's mouth. She quickly swallowed it, and the wounds disappeared. She got off of my back, pulling out a bottle with a broken edge.

I sweatdropped asking, "YOU FIGHT WITH A BOTTLE!?"

"You gotta be kidding! Seriously?" Koan asked, facepalming.

"Oh... Zackary." She said, gaining a blush on her cheeks, as she looked a bit bashful.

"Ryuka, we don't have time for this. We need to f-..." I was punched into a wall of a nearby building, causing a large meteor sized crater where I stood.

"Zack!" Nepgear cried.

"Bro!" Koan called, as they ran over to me.

"It's okay, guys I am fine. That barely scratched me." I told them, before seeing Plutia with shadows over her face. I could feel my spine chill to the bone, from just seeing her like this.

She was holding a stuffed doll of Neptune, and she started to take heavy steps, making craters as she slowly walked towards the demons that attacked me.

"You meanies... hurt Zack!" Just then, Plutia transformed, into the much-feared sadistic CPU...

Iris Heart!

Then I walked towards her, before I saw her sword, seeing it was also a whip.

'Oh god... that sword! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!? She is starting to scare me! I AM A SAIYAN WARRIOR! HOW CAN I BE SO SCARED OF ONE PERSON!?' I thought, as a pair of violet eyes with power symbols, was staring into my black onyx eyes.

"Oh well hello there, Zackary~" The voice of Iris Heart made me shudder, as she got even closer to me.

"S-s-STOP Right now! This isn't the time!" I saw Nepgear was frowning, jealous.

"Oh then what time would you prefer? Maybe after we fight this trash, how about then? Hmm?" Iris Heart asked, caressing my face with her gloved hand.

The demons began to attack us, since we were distracted, when Iris Heart used her whip sword, without looking and vaporized them with a single strike.

"No! I shall not allow this! He's mine, Plutia!" Nepgear said, walking over to us.

"What a shame. Well then, let's defeat this trash." Iris Heart said, facing the island, and we all walked up beside her.

Nepgear turned to her HDD form, and Koan transformed to Super Saiyan 4, which I knew was a form we saiyans could reach. But unfortunately since my tail was cut off long ago, I couldn't transform to Super Saiyan 4, nor can I now.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Pebbles started to rise up around me, as my hair split into red and gold. I was now back in my Mixed Super Saiyan God state.

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