Chapter 12: Worry

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Zack was now standing in the Gamindustri Graveyard. One of the places where Arfoire has her base of operations set up. He looked for Neptune and saw her in her HDD form tangled in wires, some distance away. Same for Nepgear and Plutia. Zack gritted his teeth, in anger seeing them like this. The teen cut the wires with his ki condensed hand, carrying Nepgear bridal style. Neptune and Plutia were conscious unlike his girlfriend. Purple Heart put her hand on Zack's shoulder, as tears began to stream down from his eyes.

"Zack, Nep Jr. will be alright." Zack stared at Nepgear, who looked like she was cut all over by thousands of little claws. Arfoire appeared with a few of her friends.

"So Zack, you came." Arfoire told the saiyan, he refused to look at Arfoire as he was still staring at Nepgear. For once, Arfoire knew his name.

"Neptune, Plutia! Take my hand and hold on tight, because we are going home!" They took both of Zack's hands, as he put two fingers on his forehead.

"Don't think you will be getting away so easily!" Arfoire said, as she fired a blast at us. Instead it hit the ground after we vanished.

We were back in the Planeptune basilicom. Zack looked down at Nepgear. Thank Kami, she was okay. She looked like she had been through hell, but she was okay.

"Histy we're back!" Neptune said, back in her original human form. Histoire still looked worried, since the goddess of Planeptune was gone for this long. Zack wouldn't blame her, since if a goddess wasn't there to keep order of their or her nation, then it would all fall into chaos.

"Neptune! Now since you left three hours ago, the paperwork has piled up!" Histoire kept on scolding the poor goddess. Okay, now he feels bad for her. But there was a situation much more important than that now.

"I hate to interrupt, but Nepgear is unconscious and she's hurt!" Both of them stopped arguing, after Zack said that. Histoire took a look at Nepgear, seeing that she had several bruises, a lot of scrapes and cuts. Some of her clothes were torn. Zack began to have tears stream down his face again.

'I will make that bitch pay for hurting Nepgear.' Zack thought, clenching his fist in anger. Zack regained his focus on Histoire who told Zack to put Nepgear in bed. And so he did. Even though he was worried about her, a lot. He didn't want her to die. Since he came to this world, she was the first person that Zack put his trust in. Nepgear was his friend, hell more than that, his girlfriend. Even though he wasn't the one who hurt her in this way, he still felt guilty like it was all his fault she was hurt this way. He wasn't there to protect her, Neptune and Plutia.

Plutia was sitting next to him, across from Nepgear, who was sleeping. She didn't look so good, though. "It's okay Zack, Nepgear will be okay." He couldn't accept that though from Plutia. She left Zack to watch Nepgear, but stopped before she exited the room.

"Hey Zack, how about we go do something fun?" Plutia asked, still seeing him in a shook up state. He couldn't answer her. Plutia understood why he was like this though, so she left saying "I guess another time then." closing the door behind her.

"Nepgear..." He walked up to her, sleeping in her bed. Putting his hand on her chest, his hair glowed yellow, as he began to transfer some of his energy to her so the wounds would disappear. A yellow aura formed around Nepgear, making her wounds heal. Zack took his hand off of her body, seeing that the process worked, back in his base state. All of her wounds were gone now, that he used his super saiyan energy to heal her. It seemed more rejuvenating in this universe than back at home.

Zack got a chair and put it next to Nepgear's bed so he could wait until she woke up. He wanted to be the first person she would see.

-Time Skip, 2 hours later-

The sun was starting to set, with Zack still watching Nepgear's every move. "Any time now..." Zack knew that his girlfriend was going to wake up soon. She means so much to him, and same for her. Their bond is like two chains holding together no matter what they go through. Zack heard a yawn, coming from Nepgear who just woke up. He was so happy she was alive, and well.

"Oh, we're back home." She faced him, seeing tears coming from the teen's eyes. "Z-zack hey, why are you crying?" Then something unexpected happened, Zack tackled the girl gently, continuing to cry nuzzled against her body. "I thought you died! Never scare me like that again." Nepgear smiled, wrapping her arm around the teen, stroking his black hair.

"Shhh... I'm alright Zack, everything is going to be okay." Zack looked up at her, seeing her smile. It felt so comforting. It meant the world to him now, seeing that smile. He will keep her smiling. He will protect that smile, until the day he dies. When Zack was done, he gripped Nepgear's hand softly saying. "No matter what, I will protect that smile you have on your face. I want to keep you happy." Nepgear was in awe, hearing those words coming from her boyfriend. She simply smiled telling him "This smile won't ever go away as long as we are together."

Nepgear made out with Zack, after he proposed that he wanted to keep her smiling. He really wanted her to be happy. When Neptune came in to ruin the moment, we stopped.

"Oooo you two were getting all lovey dovey weren't cha?" Since there was someone else present in the room, Neptune for our case, we looked away from each other with our faces beet red.

"N-no sis! We just were talking. About..." Nepgear trailed off, when Zack finished it "My hair color." Nepgear went with it. "Yeah I was talking about Zack's hair color!" We had to make up something. For the record, this lie we just told Neptune, was one of the worst we thought of ever. There is no possible way, she would buy it.

"Oh okay... But I am watching you two." HOLY SHIT! Wow! Zack was expecting her not to buy it, but life is full of surprises.

"Anyways, Neptune what did you need?" He thought it would be video games again.

"Let's have some pudding!" She offered Zack a cup, he took it otherwise she would probably ask 'Why you no like pudding?'. Zack has never met someone like her, that loves pudding so much, that she would probably marry it, if it was a person. He had some fun with the sisters, remembering that tomorrow was Tuesday and he had to go see IF to do a quest together. He stopped near the door to tell them good night, and he went to his own room, happy that Nepgear was okay. He hopped into bed and slept peacefully, thinking about tomorrow.

EX: Usually I would have made a caption above in the beginning, but most of this is ported over, I will now only do that, if I believe that is necessary.

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