Chapter 9: The Trial Part 1

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EX: Now I changed some of the titles for some of the chapters since I thought they would make more sense! Enjoy this one and many more!

Now since Histoire was back, everything was back to normal... well as normal as it would get at the basilicom. Nepgear is now Zack's girlfriend, which was a major shock to everyone else. The saiyan didn't expect Nepgear to do that though. Zack went to talk with Histoire, since she is the oracle for Planeptune after all. Even though Histoire was always strict towards Neptune, she was always kind towards the saiyan. Sometimes she gets mad at Zack, but that is very rare. The last time he talked to Histoire was during the night, after that nightmare.

Zack called Histoire's name "Histoire!" And just like that, she came floating as fast as a bullet, towards the saiyan.

Histoire sighed, "Yes Zack, what is it?" She seemed more sad than usual.

"I would like to know how much the shares went up for Planeptune..." Histoire looked shocked to hear that from him, but she was watching the charts since Zack came here. Getting back to him, she said, "Planeptune's shares have tripled since you have been here helping them."

The tome once told him before, that if the shares are higher for a nation, then the other CPUs will take those shares, and get the highest, and so on. Basically meaning, Zack should hide. The other CPUs know that he has been helping Planeptune more than the other nations.

Zack looked out the window, seeing Blanc, Vert and Noire heading his way. "Uh oh, I gotta hide!" He looked for Neptune, and saw her playing a video game at the moment, eating pudding. Figures. Ladies and gentlemen, meet the lazy goddess Neptune.

"Oh hey Zack!" She saw his face filled with worry. "Why are you worried?" She got that right off the bat.

"Neptune! I need to hide! The others are on their way to find me."

"What do I need to hide you for?" She asked

"Shares." Zack said, making Neptune realize what he was talking about.

"Okay Zack! I know a good hiding spot, where they will never find you!"

A few minutes later, Zack was under Neptune's bed. He sweatdropped, thinking Really Neptune? You think this is a good hiding spot? This is PROBABLY THE FIRST PLACE THEY WILL LOOK! He heard three sets of footsteps, walk into the room. Well, I might as stay quiet as a mouse, so they don't suspect I am hiding here.

"Alright Neptune, where is he?" Noire asked.

"I don't know who you are talking about." Neptune said.

Nepgear walked into the room, as Vert shoved her watermelon sized breasts into her face. "My dearest sister Nepgear, you wouldn't know where Zack is do you?"

Vert let go of Nepgear a little bit, so she could breathe and probably talk. Zack was scared out of his mind, that they were going to find him. Hell, he was more scared of Blanc when she was angry. Zack's number one rule is to never piss Blanc off, otherwise you will be facing a berserk goddess.

Noire crossed her arms, "Don't act dumb, Neptune! You know exactly who I am talking about!" Blanc looked under Neptune's bed and found him. "So this is where you were, Zack."

'Oh crap! I am a goner!' Zack thought, as he was being pulled out from under Neptune's bed.

"H-hey guys. What's going on?" Zack asked with a nervous chuckle.

"I did my best. I am sorry Zack." Neptune said, as Zack sweatdropped again replying "That was not a good hiding spot! I knew that was the first place they would look."

"Why didn't you help one of us get more shares? Huh? Zack!?" Blanc asked, rather pissed.

"Hey, calm down!" Zack said, when Nepgear had an idea, getting out of Vert's hug.

"Everyone I got an idea!" Nepgear yelled, stopping them in their tracks. It made the teen relax. Thank Nepgear, his girlfriend.

"Well then, let's hear it Nepgear..." Noire said.

"How about if we have a fight? If one of you win, Zack will be brought with to your nation for about a month." Nepgear said, making everyone agree. Zack sat down on Neptune's bed, and sighed looking at Nepgear "What happens if I win?"

The girl paused for a few minutes, snapping her fingers "If Zack wins, he will stay with Neptune and me."

Zack, raised his hand "Do I have a say in this?" and the others, except for Neptune and Nepgear told him "No!" He sighed, knowing this is not going to be easy, assuming they are going to use their HDD forms against him.

So we were now outside the basilicom where Zack usually trains. The clearing near the basilicom, he remembered before when IF didn't trust him, he trained a lot with his Kaio-ken technique.

Now, Zack trains with his super saiyan form. For this battle, he won't use it at the beginning. It would be wasted energy. The teen will save it for later when he needs it.

Nepgear hugged Zack, "Be safe, kay?" Zack nodded in understanding. The girl pressed her lips against his. A kiss, for good luck.

"Sometime today would be nice! You two lovebirds!" Black Heart told them, making Zack stop and fly towards the battlefield.

The battle began within a couple of minutes. Zack charged towards Noire, teleporting behind her with a kick as she blocked it. Vert began to attack him at his right flank, with Noire attacking him on the other side.

Zack released a shockwave of wind, knocking both goddesses away from him. It was a diversion though.

"You're mine!" Blanc yelled, barely grazing Zack. He looked at his Gi, seeing a cut visible on his body, through the tear.

"Zack got hurt!" Nepgear said, as Neptune still watched the fight. "He's going to be okay Nep Jr. I have a feeling!" Neptune faced her sister, with a smile.

"Don't worry Nep Jr! Your boyfriend will win." Neptune had a devious smirk on her face now "I bet you are planning to do R-18 kind of stuff with him later, hmm?" Neptune asked, making Nepgear blush.

"N-no!" Nepgear stuttered.

"I'm just messing with you. But it doesn't mean I don't approve if you two did 'that'" Neptune said, making Nepgear feel embarrassed even more.

Zack charged at Vert, who was going to use her special skill.

"SPIRAL BREAK!" Vert broke Zack's block, and he was mostly with bruises all over his body. His Gi was completely destroyed. The CPUs were looking at him, with a blush on their faces, except for Vert who giggled seeing his manly chest.

"Z-Z-Zack! Your body! Goodness..." Nepgear yelled, with a flustered face. She tried to look away, but couldn't. His body was in a word, sexy. Not that she wanted to do what Neptune said.

"G-give up now, Zack! T-there is no chance you can win!" Noire said, visibly embarrassed even in her HDD form. Zack grinned, "Well then, I guess it's time I get serious!"

The teen's hair began to go up, "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Transforming into his super saiyan form once again.

"Let's see if you goddesses can handle a super saiyan." Zack charged at the goddesses, confident that he will win this battle.

EX: More chapters to arrive soon!

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