Chapter 8: The Super Saiyan

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EX: Alright another one, and hopefully you will enjoy this one.

"You changed your hair color, so what?" Arfoire asked Zack, who began to grin.

Zack clenched his fist, saying "This hair change, Arfoire, is more than a simple facade. Now LET'S GO!" The two of them, flew at each other, exchanging blows. More so for Zack who dodged and blocked every move she made with her spear.

Both of them stopped when Arfoire smirked, "You think that hair change, can save you from my entrapment orb. Well YOU ARE SADLY MISTAKEN!" She threw an orb at the saiyan, which trapped him inside.

Arfoire sat back down into the throne, like she was victorious."There, now you are going to watch me destroy Histoire and your precious CPUs." Arfoire saw Zack's grin on his face, as he began to scream to his heart's content. The magnitude of that scream, caused a crack in the orb, and the pulsing aura that Zack was emitting did the rest. A shockwave of golden aura, went through the room, causing the CPUs, IF and Histoire to be free.

"Now we can finally beat this bitch down together!" White Heart said, making the other CPUs nod in agreement. They walked towards Zack, when he put his arm in front of them, to stop them from going any further. He looked back at them, with anger the CPUs had never seen before.

"No... this is my fight now." Zack said, surprising the goddesses on how much his voice seemed to change. At first it seemed, angry but became calm.

"Are you nuts!? First we became trapped in those weird bubble like objects, second we were freed by you, with your weird power. And lastly, you are telling us to stop fighting? What is wrong with you?" Black Heart asked the saiyan, when a vein popped on his forehead. He was going to yell at the goddess, but thank god Histoire stepped in beforehand. He didn't want to hurt Noire's feelings, even though she is a total tsundere...

"I think I should tell all of you, that Zack is a saiyan as we all know. But I forgot to explain, that saiyans have an adrenaline rush, whenever they fight someone strong. Now Zack.."

Zack faced the tome fairy, with anger visible on his face. "Yes Histoire?"

"You can have this one fight by yourself, I want to see the strength of a super saiyan. But after this fight, you must have the CPUs help you. Understood?"

Zack saluted, "Yes Ma'am." And with that said, he looked back towards the throne where Arfoire was pissed off herself, listening to them conversate, like they have already won.

"TAKE THIS!" Arfoire charged at the CPUs with her spear, when Zack teleported in front of them, with his finger blocking that attack.

"Your opponent is me, leave them out of this." Zack told Arfoire. He didn't like it when he was ignored, nor did Blanc. She can beat him up later. Right now, he was going to destroy Arfoire once and for all. One of the things, Zack wanted to do was power up to maximum. He still had her spear in his hands, so Zack gripped it with both of his hands now.

"What are you doing?" Arfoire asked, when Zack just stood there and grinned. Glad that he could fight someone for once by himself. It might be his saiyan blood telling him that, but he didn't care. Part of him wanted to do this.

Zack started to spin the spear with Arfoire holding on for dear life. She was spun round and round, when Zack threw the staff and her, into the wall.

"Now it's time to power up to maximum and finish this!" Zack took a combat stance, as he began to scream. "HAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Continuing, the room shook like an earthquake, with the room crumbling to ruins. He changed his mind to using 50% of his maximum strength. In no time, he was at half power. Arfoire slowly got up.

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