Chapter 14: Minotaur

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Zack's POV

The Minotaur was a few miles away from where we were supposed to find it. It pisses me off, to see people misdirect us like that. I rather go back there and kick their ass, but that would result in something worse. My sense of direction is usually great, but when push comes to shove, it's not. Since I am in this new world, I don't know where everything is. The only places I have been to, is Planeptune, the basilicom and the capital. That's pretty much it. I never went out of the city limits though, like this. Well except for the Gamindustri Graveyard.

I have been here for three months, and haven't seen much of the world itself. I haven't even gone to the other nations, which is why Blanc, Noire and Vert are telling me to come visit from time to time. Noire means it, but when she talked to me, she was acting like a tsundere again. I know she means that she wants me to visit her, but she is too stubborn to admit it.

Blocking a hit from the Minotaur's sickle, I punched him in his gut. It didn't faze him at all.

"IF!" I let her join in, shooting a ton of bullets at the Minotaur with her gun. My experience with Minotaurs from mythology, is that you should never shoot bullets at the damn monster, because instead of it hitting this Minotaur, it absorbed into his skin, causing the color to change to a light red. A sign of rage...

"This guy just doesn't want to quit! I got an idea! IF, give me a blade of some sort!" I told her, as she gave me a special katana, with a red sheath. The blade was a shiny silver, with a blue textured hilt.

"WOAH! What is this?" I mean holy shit! This sword looks badass!

"I got that for you Zack!" I knew it was probably another present from her. I will use it as much as I can. "Well then, if you don't mind, you oversized bull, I will chop you to pieces! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" I turned to my super saiyan form, but something bizarre happened. The katana I was holding, reacted to my energy, making it have the same golden aura emanating around my body to around the sword's blade.

I charged at the Minotaur with my sword, blocking all of his hits with his giant sickle. I teleported, slashing one of the monster's arms off, with blood spilling out of the open spot. I went for the other arm, resulting in the same way. The Minotaur roared in pain.

"Now for the finishing blow, I will stab that ugly face of yours!" For some reason, this katana gave me the ability to use it like a master swordsman. It felt extremely light as well. I ran towards the Minotaur, sliding my sword across his sickle, as I stabbed the sword into his head. The Minotaur fell to the ground, as I had my sword still stabbed into his face.

"Goodbye, you freak of mythology." I said, obliterating the creature with a ki blast. I sheathed the katana on my back, walking towards IF.

"Wow, that was an impressive display!" IF told me. "Well I never really used a sword or weapon before, so this is kinda new." I said, scratching my hair nervously.

"How were you able to do all of that though?"

"It's hard to explain IF, but let me go over it. The sword, gives me a weird feeling whenever I hold it. It's like the sword skills came to me naturally." I never really thought there would be anything like this in existence.

"That's strange, anyways did you think of a name for that sword yet?" That never crossed my mind yet, for my sword. A name? Hmm... A name appeared in my head and I went with it "I will call it Rekka, or otherwise Raging Fire."

"Sounds cool, let's go turn that quest in!" IF told me.

"Right." I said, with a smile, as we walked back to the guild.

-Time Skip-

Me and IF got back to the guild, but before we turned the quest in, we spotted someone familiar. It was Vert, and she seemed to be looking for someone.

'Please don't tell me, that the person she is looking for is me! Please don't! Nepgear must have been seduced by Vert to give her my location! Damn it!'

"Look, it's Vert!" IF told me, as I tried to hide. Well actually that will make me more susceptible for her to find me.

"Eh? Zack what's wrong?" She asked me as I shuddered thinking of what Vert wants.

"Nothing..." I know that Vert is here now, but I thought she would never leave her own home, unless it's important. She does visit Planeptune from time to time, but I haven't seen her in a while. So maybe she needs me for something important since it has been a couple of months with the only contact being on video call and texting. The majority of Vert's texts to me, were basically embarrassing to say the least. So yeah, she was sexting me. I never thought Vert would be so bold, to text me messages like that.

Well too late, I tried to hide behind IF, but it was kinda hard, since I had to kneel. I was pretty much as tall as Vert, probably a little bit shorter. Another problem, is that the clothes that I wear and the hair that I have stick out from the crowd.

"Zackary!" Vert called, making me freeze in place.

'Shit! I have been spotted!'

The possible outcome, if I try to run from the CPU of Leanbox, is I would probably be caught by her in her HDD form. Well as people say, there ain't no time like the present. I rather take my chances when I can. For now, I will suffer the barely breathable hug, and see what she wants. Because what's the worst that can happen right?

IF went to turn the quest that her and me completed, while I was being hugged by Vert. I was struggling to hold my breath really long. It's like I was being drowned in water. For Kami's sake woman, stop suffocating me with your massive breasts.

"It's good to see you." She said, letting go of my head, so I could breathe.

"Y-yeah." I said, blushing. Trust me, people were watching us, so it was kinda embarrassing.

"How about we walk back to the basilicom?" I asked Vert.

"Well okay, but we are going to have a serious talk, about you and Nepgear." Vert said, making me feel scared.

'Please don't tell me, I am going to have more than just Nepgear to worry about. Not a harem! Not a harem! Not a harem!' I thought, afraid, holding Vert's hand. Actually scratch that, it's the other way around. I told IF I have to go back, and she gave me the credits, as part of our plan.

Walking back to the Planeptune Basilicom with Vert, I had to ask this: 'WHY!?'

EX: Until next time, which will be very soon, ciao!

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