Chapter 20: Zack vs Abaron

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EX: Okay I know one thing that I am still trying to improve today, and that is the pacing. I know MOST of these chapters are short. And for a while since I ported this over from, I will not do these author's notes unless I REALLY have to, so I can explain things.

Zack's POV

We both charged at each other, with our fists connecting. We flew back from the impact of the connection. Something was off, he wanted me to fly towards him. He gestured his hand telling me to bring it on. I charged at him again, but this time he didn't move. When my punch hit him, it felt like nothing. That's when I realized it was an afterimage.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAA!" He came from behind and kicked me. I was falling back down towards Leanbox, when I regained my footing, using Instant Transmission.

"Huh? Where did he go?" When a punch hit his helmet, and it gained a crack in the dome like glass.

"You... broke MY HELMET!"

I don't know how, but Abaron seemed to be getting mad. His power level is increasing, substantially.

'Better make this quick! Before he can power up anymore.' I thought, and went for a cheap shot under his legs. But Abaron anticipated that, taking my foot. He threw me, into a mountain that was turned into rubble, as I went through it. Suddenly, I felt Green Heart's power level almost fade away.

'She has got to be alright!' I thought, as I used Instant Transmission again, to see that Vert, the CPU of Leanbox, was unconscious, with bruises and blood all over her body.

"Oh no... Hey Vert, come on speak to me!" I gritted my teeth, knowing that we were in trouble. I had to get Vert back to the basilicom, that was my second priority.

The main priority was to take these three down. I looked at Warechu and Linda, with tears streaming down from my eyes, anger visible.

"YOU ARE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT!" I clenched my fists, about to transform. When the other CPUs unexpectedly came into the fray, joining me. Neptune, Nepgear, Noire, Blanc.

My hair went up, in a mixture of colors, red and yellow. With two different kinds of aura. They didn't feel combined, no not at all, but the power was close to that of a super saiyan 3, hell maybe a little bit stronger. (I call this form, the Mixed Super Saiyan God. I will explain in more detail what it actually is at the end.)

"Zack! Y-your divine energy!" I could feel the divine power flowing within me. I felt like it wasn't all the energy that I had, but I bet it is enough to kill these bastards!

I walked slowly, towards the two, as they shot ki blasts at me. The smoke dissipated, showing me perfectly fine.

"W-what is this?" Linda asked.

"Your worst nightmare..." I told them both, knocking them unconscious, with a chop to both necks.

"Now to take care of Abaron!" I said, flying towards the stunned arcosian, who had his fist out, ready to counterattack my punch. I drove my fist into his stomach, when he didn't expect it. Inside his helmet, he coughed up blood. Vast amounts of it. He stumbled back from me, as I kicked the side of his head, his body crashing into the ground. Afterwards, I saw my aura was fading away.

'Damn it! It seems my time is almost up, I only have about two minutes before it's up! Fuck! I have to finish this!' I thought, when I saw Abaron wasn't lying on the ground. I looked above him and saw him, holding a orb of condensed red energy.


"If you won't die, I will have to take your pathetic planet and you with me!" He said, launching the orb at me. Pushing it back, I didn't care about the pain. I wanted to protect Gamindustri, with whatever I had. Protect the CPUs, my friends, and for some of them girlfriends. I fell unconscious half way through. I failed...

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