Chapter 13: Storm

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-Zack's POV, Planeptune 3:00 AM-

For once, I woke up this early to go for a jog. I usually don't sprint a lot but since I haven't been doing this lately, and only have been strength training, it was a good idea. Wearing weighted clothes, is also something I thought of for agility training. Because who knows, when I face someone that would be faster and more stronger than me. I have to be ready at all costs.

There was a problem though, it was very dark. I mean sure, it's dark at 3:00 AM. I ran around Planeptune for about 10 minutes so far, and I can't see a goddamn thing. It's natural for it to be this dark, but seriously? It's like pitch black. I can't see where I am going. Pretty soon, I might run into a tree or something, because of this darkness. There could be three reasons why it's dark in Planeptune right now.

1. Everyone's asleep, and would not want to be woken up right now.

2. My eyes haven't adjusted to the darkness of this world yet. This can't possibly be it, because I have been here for about 3 months and it's July.

And lastly, 3. The start of a thunderstorm.

It started to rain, as I was jogging. I found it strange... rain at this time in the morning? I didn't see on the forecast, that it would be cloudy with a chance of rain. This was the most obvious reason, why it was dark in the morning. I looked up into the sky, seeing that the moon was blocked by the dark clouds. I might as well get back to the basilicom quick. Another problem came up, lightning.

If I started to fly, the lightning will probably make me fall. Plus my brain might be fried, and I would die. Man, if Nepgear found out that happened, she would be so sad. I don't want her to be sad though. I will keep that smile on her face, no matter what. That promise will be kept.

5 minutes later, I ran into the basilicom, soaking wet, locking the door behind me. Some things never change, I guess. I used to walk around in the rain all the time back home. That superstition where you could catch a cold being in the rain, I didn't believe any of that. It's just nonsense. Not saying that some people don't believe in that so called nonsense though.

Since my Gi was wet, I went into the bathroom, to wring it out. Even though I barely use any strength, it seems like I use a ton. Thank Kami, I don't have uncontrollable strength. Sometimes it happens, like when I help Nepgear clean the dishes after eating dinner, I drop the stack of plates resulting in shattered pieces on the floor.

That's the reason, why Histoire doesn't allow me to do that anymore. I thought I could take a shower, to wait for my Gi to dry. I didn't know there would be a thunderstorm this early though. I wonder if any of the CPUs are afraid of thunder. Well only time will tell. Nepgear is probably not fond of thunder.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" A familiar voice echoed throughout the basilicom. Speaking of Nepgear, here she comes running to see me. "Woah! Nepgear, hey what's the matter?"

"Zack, I'm afraid of thunder!" Wow! I can't believe I nailed it! Not going to lie, it feels good to be right about something. "Nepgear, I'm sorry do you want me to sleep with you, for comfort?" She nodded. I felt bad, since she was crying. The thunder must really scare her. I put on a white t-shirt that I found in the guest room earlier, before I left. Nepgear was sticking to me like glue, as we went to the room she shared with her older sister Neptune.

"Are you sure this is okay, Nepgear? This is your bed." I asked, but went with it. Even though it didn't feel right. It was okay when she slept with me, but when I sleep in her bed with her. No I can't think like this. 'This is only to comfort my girlfriend... Nothing more will happen.' I thought, with my face beet red.

Nepgear got into her bed first, when I reluctantly joined her. I still didn't think this was right. Nepgear wrapped her arms around me, slowly falling asleep. I smiled, seeing that she needed someone to comfort her. I am glad that I was around, otherwise she wouldn't get any sleep through the whole night.

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