Chapter 10: The Trial Part 2! Staying In Planeptune!

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I can't let my anger get the best of me like last time, I need to learn to calm down in this form, otherwise it will kill me. Focus on the energy...

Zack sees in the recesses of his mind, a faint glow of gold. He then focused more on the glow, making it appear larger until it engulfed his mind like a raging fire. He opened his eyes, blocking all three attacks from the goddesses, as they backed away.

"I am going to use something that I thought would never work... There is only a 7% chance of it working and it could mess my body up like crazy, but still." He proclaimed, clenching his fist. A red aura overlapped his yellow aura.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Zack continued, making the CPUs stare at him in awe.

The aura and yellow glow, went away, as Zack smirked saying "Kaio-ken!" The same red overlap yellow aura combination was there, but the aura was more vibrant now. He charged at the goddesses, extremely fast. Too fast, for their eyes to follow his movements.

"Noire, Blanc did you see him move?" Vert asked.

"No! He was too fast!" They replied simultaneously.

Zack went into his combat stance, saying "Now let's do this!" The CPUs charged at him, when he teleported in front of Vert, slamming his fist into her stomach. "Sorry Vert, but I refuse to lose." Zack brought his hands together, and slammed them again towards Vert, making her fall in a crater below them. She walked over and watched the rest of the fight.

"One down, two to go!" Zack charged towards Blanc and Noire, as he teleported again. This time, he took ahold of the two goddesses, and slammed their heads into each other, ending up the same like Vert.

"ZACK WINS!" Neptune yelled, happily, as Nepgear smiled.

The teen was in his normal state now, walking back to the CPUs, worried about their well being. "Um, sorry you guys, I kinda got carried away." Vert walked up to the saiyan and kissed him on his cheek, hugging him afterward. "Even though you won, I will try to visit you whenever I can. Kay?"

That made Nepgear jealous, a little since Zack is her boyfriend now. "O-mmph!" Vert hugged the teen even tighter, causing his face to turn blue.

"Uh Vert, you might wanna let go of him! He looks like he can't breathe much anymore." Noire said, making Vert let go of Zack a little so he could breathe.

"STOP, he doesn't want to be smothered by you anymore THUNDER TITS!" Blanc was losing her temper again.

Zack teleported away from Vert, trying to stay away from their fight. So they could calm down.

The teen walked over to Nepgear with his bare chest visible, since the top part of his Gi was destroyed.

"Ehh? What's wrong Nepgear?" Asked Zack, when Nepgear pointed at his chest. He looked down to see he was half-naked.

"Gahhh! Why?" Zack asked himself, with a blush making its way onto his face.

Neptune thought of an idea, "Zack! How about you wear one of my hoodies?"

The saiyan looked at her like she was crazy. He was far too tall and big for a hoodie that size. It couldn't fit him. He hoped she realized that.

"You sure that one of your hoodies will fit me?" Asked Zack

"Well...hmm maybe." Neptune said, when Nepgear told us, "How about we go to the Planeptune clothing shop for Zack to get some new clothes?"

Zack questioned that because people would probably see him, like this. Without a shirt on. Zack was anxious about this situation, because if girls see him, they will probably chase after him.

"Uh Nepgear, don't you think people will see me? I mean I would stick out like a sore thumb."

"That may be true, but we need to give you some new clothes. We wouldn't want you to walk around without a shirt on, now would we?" Vert asked, making the saiyan a little reluctant to answer. He also wondered how they stopped their fight so fast.

He decided to go with them anyways, despite his appearance. To be honest, it was more comfortable without that part of his Gi on. People were looking at him as expected, but at least he was running fast into one of the changing booths in the store.

"Come on Zack!" Nepgear told him.

"Alright! alright!"

He ran into the changing booth, pulling the curtain behind him so they couldn't see. It took him a couple seconds to put on the same red and black trimmed Gi. Zack came out, looking away from the girls his face red. Of course, there was martial arts clothing here, he didn't understand why or how. This world usually had weapons instead of martial arts, Zack guessed it became a new trend. He didn't get it, but instead of calling it martial arts, it was called unarmed fighting which is almost the same thing. Only there are differences that he didn't want to go through now. Zack still thought it made sense though, fighting without a weapon=unarmed fighting.

"Oooo it suits you Zack!" Nepgear said, making Zack smile because of her compliment.

The girls bought the new Gi for Zack, and that left him with Neptune and Nepgear going back to the Basilicom. When they went back to the basilicom, Zack went to sleep exhausted from using up a lot of his ki. His door opened, getting Zack to be suspicious. But instead he saw Nepgear, wearing a nightgown holding one of her pillows.

"N-n-nepgear! Hey, what's going on?" Asked Zack, very embarrassed.

"I-I thought we could sleep together, since we are boyfriend and girlfriend after all!"

"Why can't you sleep with Neptune? She's your sister!" Zack told her, trying to make her reconsider this decision. Then he remembered the dreams she has, when she sleeps and the first time she fell asleep on his back turned very weird. "Nevermind that..."

"Oh come on Zack! Just for tonight, please!" Nepgear pleaded, as Zack saw her eyes. 'Damn those eyes are freaking adorable' The teen sighed, knowing that he can't resist those eyes.

"Alright Nepgear, hop in." She crawled into his bed with him.

"Goodnight Zack..." The girl gave him a kiss on his cheek. "Goodnight Nepgear." And both of them fell asleep, wondering where the future will take them in life.

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