Chapter 19: New Enemy

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EX: The next few chapters might not make much sense, and some don't considering how long ago I wrote this, but I thought of the ideas myself, and some of the names I made up so bear with me.

Linda's POV

Damn that bastard! We got away from that dragon, while he was sleeping. It's been 4 months, since we last seen that guy, who broke our bones. Just talking about him, makes my blood boil!

"Where are we going to go now, chu?" The mouse asked me. I don't know, we could lay low for a while, but that guy is our top priority and I want to make him pay for what he did to us.

"UGHHH! I want to make that boy pay!" When we both heard, a voice in the forest.

"Then you shall." The voice said, when we both looked every which way trying to find where it came from but nothing.

"W-where are you, show yourself!" I said to the voice, as a person in a dark robe, appeared in front of us.

"I'm scared, chuuu!" Warechu was holding onto my leg for dear life.

"Get off me, Warechu!" I eventually got him off of my leg. Jeez, what is his deal?

"Could you two stop for a moment!?" The stranger shouted. We both stopped, frightened by his tone. An aura emanated around the stranger. This feeling seemed similar to that kid's energy. I mean I don't know how I can feel it, but somehow I can.

Without much of a warning, he put his hand on both of our backs, and gave us a power boost. It felt interesting, but it was also something I never felt before. Something new.

"There, now I transferred some energy to both of you, so now who were you two talking about?"

I could distinctively remember his black hair, along with the clothes he wore. They were black with red.

"We don't know his name, but he had black hair, and wore some clothing that was black and red." I told the stranger, and I wanted to know why he kept himself hidden like that, but I guess there are a lot of people like that. To keep their identity a secret, no doubt.

"Can you hurry this up, chu?"

"No I can't. Sensing energies, is much harder than it looks. My name is Abaron by the way."

Abaron's POV

This person they were talking about seemed like the person I was supposed to kill, for my boss. I found a very strong power level in the nation known as Leanbox. Visually I saw a kid, that wore a black and green gi with gravity-defying hair. This must have been who they were talking about.

"Abaron, did you find him?" Linda asked.

"Yes, he is in Leanbox." I told the two.

"Great, now let's go and make him pay for what he did to us! Ready Warechu?"

"Ready, chu!"

They began running towards Leanbox, as I slowly followed them. Well at least they were enthusiastic about killing this kid, that's for sure. But something is definitely off about him, when I sensed his energy, like there were two separate entities. Meh, it was probably nothing, besides, he has a bounty on his head and I am here to claim it.

My boss wants him dead, for various reasons. One, he is a saiyan monkey and should be dealt with fast. Two, he destroyed one of our bases in Gamindustri, and the list could go on, but I rather not tell anymore.

We walked towards Leanbox, from Planeptune, through one of the many transporters, that gave us access from nation to nation.

Zack's POV

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