Chapter 42: Ending

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Zack was exhausted from his fight with Kurome, that he was barely able to stand up. White Heart reverted back to her normal form, helping Zack.

"Good job Zack." Blanc complimented as they walked over to Nepgear and the others.

"Zack we are so glad you are alright!" Neptune and Nepgear said, before hugging the life out of him.

"Ow ow ow! Stop you two! That hurts!" Zack said, before both of them kissed him.

"O-okay. I get it!" The saiyan stuttered, with a blush. They both chuckled at his response.

"Hey bro, looks like you need a senzu bean." A voice said nearby, and it appeared to be Koan all battle torn but still alive.

"So did you beat the Anti-CPUs?" Zack asked.

"Yep! They weren't really much of a challenge unfortunately." Koan said with disappointment, before tossing the bean into Zack's mouth.

"Ah much better." Zack said, now filled with energy, but soon realized something.

"Well what do we do now?" Koan took the question straight out of Zack's mouth.

"I....I am not sure." Zack responded.

"Oh come on you two, this calls for a celebration!" Neptune told them.

"Okay." Zack began to smile.

'Man, Neptune you just know how to cheer me up, don't ya?' Zack questioned in his mind.

-Planeptune Capital, a couple days later-

Everyone was in the city, of Planeptune, during the night, with decorations up. Most of them said 'Thank You Godly Warrior' now instead of before when he was nicknamed the 'Golden Warrior' a while back.

"Ah good times." Zack muttered, remembering that name.

"Zack, there you are!" A voice said, as he saw Nepgear in her Hard Drive Divinity mode.

"Hey Nepgear." Zack greeted, whilst sitting down.

"So why aren't you out and about?" Purple Sister asked.

"Well, it took 10 seconds, for a lot of the citizens to notice it was me, and start chasing after me for autographs and the like." Zack said, with a shudder.

"You seem to keep getting popular." She noted.

"Yeah, but it doesn't mean I want all this attention, otherwise you CPUs will lose your attention from the viewing public." Zack replied.

"You are right about that. But then you are my boyfriend, and Neptune's, so I don't see any problem with that." She said, taking Zack's hand, making him surprised.

"I love you, Zack." Nepgear said, making Zack give a small smile.

"I love you too Nepgear." Zack replied.

They went to kiss, when a certain pudding-loving goddess came through interrupting their moment.

"Oh Nep Jr, there you are! Wait a minute, what were you two planning to do!?" Purple Heart asked.

"Uhhhhh....." Zack sounded.

"You two were going to kiss, weren't you?" She asked, making them nod. Purple Heart sat on the other side of Zack.

"You know he is mine as well Nep Jr, so it's only fair." Purple Heart said, before they were all interrupted again, by Vert, Blanc and Noire.

"W-what the?"

"Oh dear." Vert said.


"Why do we keep getting interrupted!?" Zack asked, before realizing what he said, with a red face.

A portal appeared in front of them, when a guy walked out, looking like a clone of Zack.

"W-what in the hell!?" Zack stated, seeing someone look like him. He stood up, taking a look at the mysterious person.

"Why do you look like me!?" Zack asked, getting into his combat stance.

"I do not wish to fight, father." He said, making Zack hear the word 'father'.

"Wait father?" Zack asked, confused.

Neptune reverted back to her normal form, before jumping on Zack's back, and kissing him on his cheek.

"Oh I knew it! You do want a child!" Neptune said, making Zack's face boil red.

"Cut it out Neptune!" Zack said, embarrassed.

"Well mother you aren't wrong." He said again.

"Wait so I was right, he's our son!?" Neptune, asked with white saucers for her eyes.

"IF you are my son, then what is your name?" Zack questioned.

"My name is Zeffren Xylax, and I come from the future..."

And so Zack's son, named Zeffren, has come from the future, find out what he wants, next time in the beginning of Saiyandimension Neptunia MK2!

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