Chapter 4: Snow In Planeptune?

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EX: Yeah, yeah, you are curious why I chose to make it snow in Planeptune, aren't ya? Well read the chapter and find out! And as I keep saying, I know this is most likely a bad story, but then again it was and still is my first fanfic I ever created! So yeah. Alright enough of that, enjoy!

Zack woke up to the sound of someone knocking on his door.

"Who is it?" Asked Zack, still drowsy.

"It's me Nepgear."

Zack was surprised at first, because Nepgear doesn't usually do this at all. What might have caused this? He didn't know.

"Okay come in!" Nepgear walked in with a plate of eggs, bacon and sausage. She left the door open, probably so Neptune can intrude. Not that Zack hates her, no, just that sometimes she can be a hassle.

"I brought you some breakfast. Since you weren't awake this morning." Nepgear sat next to him, on the bed. Zack ate the whole thing in a couple of seconds. "Wait what time is it now?"

"It's noon. By the way, sister told me you had a nightmare the other night. What was it about?"

Zack had a flashback of that nightmare, all of a sudden. Snapping out of it, he looked at Nepgear.

"I-I don't want to talk about it." Said Zack, with a shudder.

And low and behold, the infamous Neptune barged into the room, with her phone in her hand.

"Zack! Vert just texted me about you!"

"Uh, I hate to ask, but what did she say?" Zack hated to ask these kinds of questions, but hopefully the answer will be okay. Neptune showed the chat she had with Vert to Zack:

Hi Vert! How's it going up in Leanbox?

Everything's splendid. Neptune, I have a favor to ask of you.

Haa? What is it?

Well I would like to see a picture of Zack...

Say no more!

Here's one: Insert picture of Zack sleeping here

Aww he looks so adorable!

Wha? What? Zack's face turned beet red. She thinks that he looks adorable? And where the hell did Neptune ge- He realized now, that Neptune took a photo of him last night sleeping.

A dark aura emanated around Zack, as he gave Neptune a glare.

"Uh, Nep Jr. Why does Zack look like that?"

"I don't know, but it seems he's angry."

"NEPTUNE! Give me the phone!" Zack told the girl.

"NEPU! NO! Not until I post that photo of you to the others." Said Neptune as she began to run out of the room.

Both of them were now chasing each other.

"Neptune give me the god dang phone! I want that picture removed!"


Zack flew past Neptune, in the process snatching her phone.

"Now let's see he-" Without any warning, he pressed the send button for the picture to be sent to Blanc and Noire.

He froze, like a statue, realizing what he just did.

"Wha-what have I done?" Zack kneeled on the ground, feeling stupid. The teen gave Neptune's phone back to her.

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