Chapter 27: Ryuka (Part 2)

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Zack's POV

We finally got to the library, but something still made me think. What was that energy I sensed back there? Was it someone I knew? It was starting to trouble me, considering that power level was off the charts.

"Excuse us, but we would like to know where the 'Luminous Grotto' is if you know it by any chance?" IF asked the librarian.

"It's a couple miles out from here, would you like a map?" The librarian asked.

"Yes please." I said.

The librarian went in the back and gave us a map, to where Ryuka was captured, and taken to Arfoire's base. We walked out of the Planeptune Library.

"I am so glad we left that boring library." Neptune said, relieved.

"You mean you have a library for your nation and you think it's boring?" I asked, with an eyebrow raised.

"Well I wasn't the one, who approved of the library, it was Nep Jr." Neptune told me, pointing to her sister, who chuckled nervously.

"Well it wouldn't hurt you to just read one book, sis." Nepgear told Neptune.

That same thing from before, was troubling me, again. That weird energy... When I sensed it... it was like nothing I felt before. It was off the charts, but what I also felt is that it was pure evil, to the point where it felt demonic in a way.

"Zack what's the matter, you look like you have seen a ghost." Neptune asked.

I was visibly shaking, from the sensation I had before. I could feel this entity following us.

"I feel as if we are being followed." I said, as we walked to the cave that was on the map.

"What makes you say that?" Neptune asked.

"Remember what I told you about sensing energy? That I can do it? This energy I am sensing, is not good at all. Everyone be on your guard." I said, going towards the path of the cave.

"Right!" Everyone said, readying their weapons.

We were at the cave entrance, and it was incredibly shiny on the inside, making it hard for it to be dark in the cave. I guess that's why they called it Luminous Grotto.

"Oooo, what a pretty cave~" Neptune chirped happily, running inside without us.

"NEPTUNE! WAIT!" I yelled, trying to stop her but she didn't.

"Zack, what's wrong with you?" IF asked.

"I want us to stick together, but now that plan is out of the picture, considering Neptune just ran into the cave without us. Sorry IF, it's just that I feel uneasy about this."

"Now that you mention it, something does feel off about this place." Nepgear replied.

We traversed through the cave, to find Neptune. We came to a stop, seeing that there were 4 paths. One for each of us.

"I know I wanted us to stay together before, but it seems that we have to split up to find Neptune. But we have to be cautious, considering that we are all on our own from here on out. Stay safe everyone!" I said, heading down the path on the way right.

"You heard him, now let's go and find Neptune!" IF said, choosing her path.

"Right!" Nepgear and Compa nodded, going on their own paths.

Neptune's POV

I was running through the mysterious cave, and it was so pretty, I had to stop and look at some spots inside. I heard someone take a few steps towards me, from the end of the cavern. Strangely no light touched that area, and it was shrouded in complete darkness.

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