Chapter 32: Zack's Brother

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EX: Now I know it's been a while since I left an Author's Note, but the reason why I am doing this is so I can port all these to over on Wattpad. I wanted to mention something important in this chapter. This one has the actual story of before when Zack lived on Earth in the 7th Universe, and this is all before the Prologue of this story.

3rd Person POV, Planeptune

Zack couldn't believe it, his brother was back, but his energy seemed somewhat similar to Cell, when he fought him along with the others. Zack could remember the day, that Koan his brother, was taken away from him and his family, so long ago, in Universe 7, when he still had his memory...

6 years ago, Universe 7...

Janet, was worried for their two sons, since they have been gone for so long. She stood there waiting, in front of their house, which was fairly close to Son Goku's home on Mt. Paozu. When she noticed her husband Xero, appear using Instant Transmission, in front of her.

"Oh hi honey, is everything okay?" He asked.

"No not really, since our sons have been gone for a while now. I'm worried."

"Oh come on now, they are saiyans, just like us. Whatever is going on, I am sure they can handle it."

"Let's make dinner. They will come back soon." Xero said, heading into the house, and Janet slowly followed, still looking back.

Where Zack and Koan are...

Zack and his brother Koan were currently hunting for Dragon Balls, by themselves, in the rock canyons, with the help of the Dragon Radar. They almost had all 7 dragon balls. Both of them were currently wondering what to wish for and who could make it.

"Man, where the heck is that dragon ball? We have been searching for it, for hours. Any luck on the radar, bro?" Zack asked.

"I told you, little brother, that we are almost there. It's right around these canyons somewhere." Koan answered, and Zack heavily sighed, thinking this might take a while.

"Well, let's hurry up and get it, since it's getting dark pretty soon, and I am starving for some of mom's cooking!" Zack said, looking at the sky. Koan merely chuckled in response.

"Yeah, mom's cooking is always the best." Koan said, in agreement.

They edged closer to the 7-star dragon ball...

"So little brother, what do you want to wish for?"

Zack was currently trying to think of something, but the idea never came up, and it was blank. He did have one idea though.

"Huh, I don't know. Maybe a neverending bag of senzu beans."

"That's actually a good idea. That would mean we wouldn't need to ask Korin for those then." Koan said, making Zack chuckle a little.

"Yeah, he's probably getting sick of all of us, taking senzu beans, all the time."

"Well, the dragon radar, says that the dragon ball should be around here, somewhere." Koan said, stopping to look at the radar as it beeped loudly.

"I don't see it though, so that must mean it's hidden somewhere." Zack said, making Koan nod.

Zack saw a large boulder in front of a small opening, where he saw something orange glowing.

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