Chapter 6: Questing

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EX: Alright! Enjoy this one, if you don't remember, it is my first fanfic and as I said at the end in the last chapter, I am still improving!

-At The Guild, 10 minutes later-

Zack was amazed to see so many people here, he didn't think it would be that popular but then again when does killing monsters not satisfy anyone?

"Well well well, look's who here..." Again Zack, knew who it was and frowned as he saw her. It was IF...

"What IF, you care to insult me again, or are you going to help me find a quest?" Zack was fed up with her constant insults, it made him sick to hear them. Since the first time, he has been training his butt off, to become someone that the CPUs depend on.

"No insults. To be honest, I want to see which one you would pick." Said IF, making Zack confused. Ehh? What did she just say? Did someone mind control her or something? Then Zack heard two familiar voices heading his way.

"Remember what I said, Zack..." Nepgear again sounded too sweet, making him afraid.

"Y-yeah..." He remembered someone who was just as scary as she was acting now. Actually it was two people, Chi-Chi and Bulma. Now he understood why Goku and Vegeta are scared of their wifes. Even though Nepgear isn't you know, it's still scary to see her like this.

"Zack! Where is the pudding you were going to buy me today?" Asked Neptune, who was angry right now.

"Calm down Neptune! I didn't have any money so I thought I could go and find a quest for me to do, to get some credits to buy it for you." Zack noticed an interesting quest, and started to grin as he ripped it off the board.

"Well looks like we are going to kill a dragon." Not going to lie, the reward was substantial. 1000 credits! More than he bargained for, and he probably can buy more pudding for Neptune, so she can enjoy it. Zack watched her eat her pudding and ate an entire crate in about 30 minutes. He was wondering one thing, How the hell is she still healthy after eating all of that!?

The reward could have been more, but 1000 credits is enough for him. He might be able to split the other 500 credits to spend on his own needs. Zack knew IF was following them to the cave where the dragon was located. He decided to wait until they defeated the monster, to tell her to stop hiding and show herself.

"Alright, so we're going into a cave? Nepgear is this just a boss, or are there more monsters to defeat?" Asked Zack, as he focused on the dragon's energy.

"I don't know, you would think since it is a dragon, there would be more monsters to aid the dragon. Oh by the way, sister is on your back." She was right on the money. If the dragon was a boss, there would be other monsters to defeat. But on the paper, all it said was Defeat the dragon. Reward: 1000 credits. He wasn't surprised to find Neptune once again, getting a piggy ride from him. Zack just accepted it, because if he questioned this, it would result in more problems than what he wants it to be.

We entered the cave, seeing that there was no dragon.

"Huh? Where is the big lizard?" Asked Neptune, and Zack was wondering the same thing, until he felt the dragon's energy behind them.

"LOOK OUT!" Zack rushed over to Nepgear and pushed themselves both out of the dragon's line of fire. Wow this dragon is smarter than it looks, using a sneak attack on us like that. No wonder why there was so many people who never came back from this quest. This dragon used tactics, to kill it's victims.

"Ooo playing dirty are we, you OVER SIZED LIZARD!?" Zack yelled, making the dragon angry. And when anything is angry, they lose their concentration on what they are doing. The dragon flew at Zack, enraged.

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