Chapter 5: Zack's Mom and Dad

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EX: Now let me say, that this is a chapter of an Alternate timeline, basically where Zack's mom and dad left him to survive instead of him living with them. There will be a chapter later on, explaining the real story and right timeline, where I introduce Zack's brother. In time, everything will be explained, don't worry!

-Back in Zack's subconscious-

Zack couldn't believe it. His father was here... Why? After all he did to him! He abandoned Zack as a baby and this is the first time he has seen him in years. The teen wanted to ask his dad why he left him. Same for his mom, why did they both leave him? He wanted to punch and kick him, since he was right there. But he couldn't for some reason. Like his feelings were getting in the way of what he truly felt.

"What the hell are you doing here, dad?" Zack growled.

"Now now, that's not the way I raised you." His father told him, offering to give him a hug, but Zack refused.

"You didn't raise me at all! I was left on the god dang streets because of you going overseas! I had to learn everything by myself!" His father didn't stop smiling, but when he mentioned overseas, his father had a frown makes it way onto his face.

"You know why we left you over there?" His dad asked with a sigh.

"Yes, I want to know! Why the hell did you leave me by myself when I was only a couple months old!?" His son was angry, he could sense it.

"Me and your mother wanted you to stay over there, to be safe. All this time we were protecting you." Zack's eyes widened hearing that his parents protected him. Even though they neglected him for so long.

"But look at you, now you are a teenager. You grew up so fast! I am proud of you!" Ehhhh? What? His father said he was proud of him?

"Where's Mom, is she here?" Zack asked, hoping he would see her after all of these years.

"I'm right here, sweetie." His mom said, scaring the crap out of him.

"Don't scare me like that, M-mom?" Zack started to cry, seeing her for the first time. She wore a Gi that was mostly red instead of black but had black trim.

"Oh come here, sweetie and give your mom a hug." Without thinking about it, Zack gave his mother a hug as he sobbed uncontrollably. He was happy to see her, unlike his father.

"I missed you, mom."

-In the Planeptune Basilicom, 10 minutes later after Zack fainted, Nepgear's POV-

"Histoire! Zack fainted!" I made sure she heard me, and she came flying towards us as fast as she could.

"What happened!?" Neptune and I had no idea what happened to him, so I explained what happened after we defeated the monster.

"We defeated the monster. It's like he lost a lot of his energy. He had a red aura, though if it makes any difference." Histoire gasped. She knew what skill the saiyan teen used.

"Oh, really Zack, you could have done permanent damage to yourself! Carry him to the guest room!" So we both tucked Zack into his guest bed. When finally our HDD forms faded, and we were back to normal.

"Look, he's crying." I told Neptune, as we watched him closely. He was crying a lot.

"Mom!" He muttered in his sleep. I realized what he was dreaming about, it was probably his parents, since he said mom.

"I am going to go get some pudding!" Even now, Neptune had to think of something to cheer herself up. Both of them cared for Zack, and realized that he must have been straining his body too much these past few days.

-Back to where Zack is-

Zack was hugging his mom, since this is the first time he had ever seen her.

"How were you able to contact me like this?" Both of them grinned.

"A few years ago, your mom and I found a way to contact you, instead of using technology. This is the first time the telepathic link worked."

"So you guys will always be with me, if I need to talk to you?" Zack asked, wiping the tears from his eyes.

"Zack, sweetie of course we will. Whenever you feel like you need to talk to us, we will be here alright?" Zack smiled, waving goodbye.

"Okay, bye mom! Bye dad!" They waved goodbye as well. Seeing their son grow up made them proud. Zack finally trusted his dad, even though he did leave him to fend for himself. Zack now knew that they cared about him a lot.

-In the Planeptune Basilicom, a couple hours later-

Zack finally woke up to see Nepgear and Neptune, who was eating a cup of pudding.

"Ughhh, hey you guys." Both of them instantly had their faces, nuzzled into his chest, crying.

"You two what's wrong?" Asked Zack.

"You *sob* worried us! Never do something so reckless again!" Zack smiled, seeing this. He was happy to see that they cared so much for him, in the little bit of time that has passed by.

"Hey, hey. Everything will be alright! I won't do anything like that to make you two worry again, okay?" He asked patting both of their heads simultaneously. The sisters wiped the tears from their faces away, giving him a smile.

"But in return, Neptune and I will have to watch you train. Does that seem fair?" The tone of Nepgear, seemed almost too nice. It probably was.

"Yeah..." Zack was afraid, for once if he said no she would do something to hurt him.

"Zack come on, let's play some video games!" He joined the sisters, in their room to play some video games with Neptune again.

"Alright, Neptune, this time if I win, you will have to pay for the pudding you get for the next week. Deal?"

"And if I win, you have to buy me 3 crates of pudding tomorrow." That made him grunt in displeasure, great now he really needed to do some quests to get some credits. For the food, he was buying it would probably be 500 credits. Zack sighed.

"Fine. It's a deal! I am going to win!" Zack proclaimed, while Neptune disagreed like normal.

"In your dreams, the protagonist of this story, which is me, always wins!" Neptune said, making Zack question why she does that from time to time. But now he is going to join her just this once, to break the 4th wall.

"Well, let's see what the author thinks!" Zack said, as he continued to play a fighting game against Neptune.

(Oh come on! Don't break the fourth wall like Neptune, ZACK! You are better than this!)

"Nope, since I am in a good mood now, I will join Neptune in breaking the fourth wall." After Zack said that, he grinned.

"Yay!" Neptune chirped.

And so the two played the game, Neptune won and rubbed her victory in Zack's face, it was in a friendly way though.

"Now you have to buy me all that pudding, tomorrow."

"Alright! Fine." Zack was disappointed since he had to buy those crates of pudding for Neptune tomorrow. He wondered why he even tries to challenge the CPU. He looked at his wallet, and gulped. He had to go do some quests. He didn't have any money at the moment, so that was a problem.

So Zack, went to his own bed and slept until next morning, to go to the guild to find a good paying quest.

'This will be great training for me' He said as he flew to the guild, in Planeptune.

EX: Like I said in the beginning, alternate timeline, to what Zack was talking about, when he saw his Mom and Dad after a while. Hope you liked this chapter, if not I understand, but again it was my first fanfic, and I am still trying to improve!

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