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Hello readers!

This story, like the previous one, (Arlington,) will talk about mental health issues. This specific story will contain references to anxiety and panic attacks. As someone who has suffered from anxiety attacks in the past, I am writing from my personal experience as well as the experiences of those I have interviewed on the subject. In addition, there will be a discussion of Dissociate Identity Disorder, previously known as Multiple Personality Disorder. This is a condition I am not personally familiar with, so I have done extensive research and talked to a psychologist on the subject to make it as accurate as I can.

Please remember everyone experiences symptoms differently and this is only a work of fiction. I am always willing to discuss this topic with anyone if they have further insight for me!

Trigger Warning: 

This book will contain conversations about sexual assault. If this is triggering, I am in the process of marking the scenes out with asterisks. 

FAQ: Is Faith LGBTQAA+? 

A: Faith is not LGBTQIA+, her sexuality is not relevant to this current storyline, but as the author I know she would identify as heterosexual. 

There will continue to be LGBTQIA+ themes throughout the books (yes there will be more, we will see another LGBTQIA+ main character). But not every main character will be LGBTQIA+, but they will always be allies!

Thanks for all the support <3


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