Chapter Thirteen

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Sunday updates here we go, hope everyone is safe and healthy <3 

Chapter Thirteen

Staring down at the cup of coffee on the table I wait for it to cool some. I stir it absent-mindedly as my mind tries to wake up from the horrible dreams I was having. Ruka and Dax aren't up yet, and I am thankful for the time to collect myself and process everything that happened yesterday. Running a hand along my arm I take a big sip of the coffee and give a content sigh.

A knock at the door breaks me out of my state and I get up tentatively. Looking at the clock I see it is barely past six o'clock in the morning. I normally wouldn't be up this early, but I was tired of having awful nightmares and eventually just got out of bed. Walking to the front door I peer through the peephole and see Aviva standing there. Opening the door, I peer out at her confused.

"Hi Faith, I think I left my phone here last night," Aviva says confused.

I gesture for her to come in and she walks into the kitchen. I plop back down on the stool and sip my coffee as she searches for her phone. She finds it under the table, and I don't even question how it got there. She casts a curious glance at me, and I just take another sip.

"I didn't know you drank coffee," she says amused. I turn my watch on.

"I don't usually need it, but it's been a rough twenty-four hours," I say.

"What exactly happened, Faith?" Aviva asks me confused.

I sit there contemplating everything that did happen before dropping my head onto my arm not in a sling and let out a long groan. The events of yesterday are more of one long blur in my mind. I didn't want to tell anyone about my epiphany of possibly having Dissociative Identity Disorder without a doctor's confirmation, nor do I want to explain to them that the man I kicked the shit out of, may have been the triggering event for everything. A warm hand is placed on my arm causing me to look up.

"We don't have to get into this now, but just know that your family Faith, and you can always talk to Lena or me," Aviva says with the utmost sincerity.

"I'll keep that in mind," I say with a small smile and she heads off to take care of wedding plans. At the mention of the wedding her voice becomes tighter and posture, stiffer.


"Yeah?" She says peering over her shoulder.

"If you ever need to vent about the wedding, or just talk, I've been told I am a great listener," I say with a small smile and she laughs and nods before leaving.

I finish my coffee and hop into the shower and wash away the dirt and pain of yesterday. Stepping out of the shower I shoo away the memory and take notice of the bruises on my arm and stomach. I trace my fingers over them absent-mindedly before pulling on a long sleeve short and loose pants. I leave the sling in my room not wanting to put it back on right now. Walking into the piano room I hear someone in the kitchen. Sitting down at the piano I start playing and just feel the music flowing through my fingers.

Nobody disturbs me, and I don't stop. The music consumes me, and I lose track of how many different pieces I play. Everything just folds into one long melody until something shattering in the kitchen breaks my concentration. Rushing to the kitchen I see a broken plate on the ground and a startled Ruka. Looking around I don't see anyone, so I grab the broom and start cleaning it up.

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