Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three

"So how do we tell all of them at once? We are scattered among three different floors currently," Orion says.

"We will have all of them come into the meeting space where I met with the staff of the hospital," I say simply, and Orion shrugs and goes to start gathering everyone.

Sitting down on my bed, I tinker with the phone that I was given and try to remember how to use it. We learn how to work on computers, but phones and tablets are easier to hide, so they wouldn't let us near them. Finally remembering the passcode, I go and check my messages and see one from Aviva.

'If you need anything, you can always reach at least one of us,' it reads.

I play some music while I finish getting ready and I can't help but hum along to the tunes. I hadn't listened to any modern music in months and it is nice to hear the rhythms and different instruments, rather than just the piano playing.

I open my mouth as I start brushing my hair and the lyrics pour out of my mouth. I have half a mind to be quieter but the other half of me doesn't care anymore. I continue to sing for a while, and I am surprised when I see Cabe sitting on his bed with his eyes closed.

"Cabe?" I ask confused and he opens his eyes.

"I don't remember the last time I heard you sing," he says with a serious look.

"I don't do it very frequently anymore," I admit.

"You should," he says.


"A voice that powerful shouldn't be silenced, for any reason," he says standing up.

"I was offered a spot at Julliard once I graduated from high school," I blurt out. Why did I tell him that?

"Julliard? Isn't that one of the best music schools in the country?" Cabe asks me shocked.


"What the hell? When did that happen?"

"Shortly before I returned to Metac..."

"And you left all that behind to save these kids?" Cabe asks me shell shocked.

"Yes, and I would do it a thousand times over," I say firmly, and I see his eyes shift.


"What?" I ask on edge.

"You are an idiot, but I have never respected you more. Now let's get going," he says smirking and gesturing towards the door.

I hear the pattering of feet as we walk out of the room and I listen for the heartbeats of who was eavesdropping, but they are too far away. Did they want to talk to us and then get scared because we were already having a conversation? Or was is staff looking for us but not wanting to interrupt?

Walking into the room, I see almost everyone already present, and the last few filter in with Orion hot on their heels. Walking up to the front of the room, I can't help but look around at everyone. A lot of the bruises have faded and quite a few of them have put on some weight, I know I have. Their eyes bore into my soul with a deep curiosity coming through.

"Well I won't keep you guys waiting, we called everyone in here for a specific reason, we have some serious decisions we need to discuss," I say.

"Many of you probably thought I was dead when I disappeared from the Metac camp all those years ago, but the truth is that I escaped and was able to re-enter the foster care system. I bounced around to a few homes but eventually landed with my last foster family, the Kurning's. Ruka, my foster mother, is a metahuman herself and comes from a large family of metahumans. They also have fostered seven other meta's in the last twenty years. With this being said they know that I am a meta and who all of you are. They also understand how important it was for me to liberate this camp," I say, and I can see everyone is paying attention.

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