Chapter Nine

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Hi all, I hope everyone is safe and well. I spent all afternoon updating Arlington and now it's time to give Faith some love. Thank you for all of your support! 

Chapter Nine

My fingers slid over the keys as I practice chunks of the music over and over again. I know I have extra credit homework I should be doing for chemistry, but I can't seem to focus. Dax and Ruka had run out to go grocery shopping and pick up my dress from the dry cleaners.

Earlier this week I had gone to Ruka and asked her if we could go shopping for a dress. She had hastily agreed because she was excited to go shopping again. I appreciated the normality the act brought to my week after everything that happened. Colton is wearing a deep blue outfit and told me blue or black would be fine. I had found a dark blue, almost black dress, with a higher neckline that hugged my waist and then flared out some. I was mostly worried about not being restricted and not overheating from the anxiety of the situation, so sleeves were off the table.

As I sit and play my mind wanders away from the piece at hand and I couldn't help but start playing one of the pieces I heard on the internet. I start humming along before the words slip out of my mouth.

"And you will never know, the truth behind it all, and you never cared for a word I said. I got down on my knees' and begged you please, but you, we're never really there," I sing to the empty apartment.

My voice feels scratchy and singing almost feels strange. I try to remember the notes again but find them lost in the mess of music I know. I keep playing as other lyrics drift through my mind.

"I was never made for this, who said I was ever strong enough! Why do you want so much from me? Why can't I just be enough," I belt out, pulling from random phrases.

"You're an amazing singer," a soft voice says.

My eyes spring open in shock and I jump from my seat and my hand drifts to my side. I make eye contact trying to process what is in front of me and I recognize the person. My body relaxes, and I straighten out my shirt trying to calm down.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," Aviva says, and I chuckle.

"Here," she says, and she hands me a fancy watch.

"Go into the app with the cursive 'f' on it, and press the on button," she says with a smile.

I follow her instructions and I see two buttons, one to turn it on and one to turn it off. I press the green on button and a familiar high pitch noise greets my eyes. Looking down at the watch again I see a timer telling me that it would last for seven hours. Tears blur in my eyes as emotions swirl in me, she's giving me my voice back.

"Thank you so much," I say wiping the one tear I let slip.

"It wasn't that hard, I just added a specialized chip into the motherboard and then someone I work with helped me code it, they were very confused, I told them it was for training a dog!" Aviva says laughing and I join in.

"You don't know how much this means to me," I say, and she shakes her head.

"Nobody should be silenced against their will," she says seriously, and I smile.

"I agree," I say with my mind flashing back to all of the kids still in cells.

"Hey, Ruka casually mentioned how good you are at the piano; do you think you could help me with something?" Aviva asks me.

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