Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

"You don't have to start school today if you're not ready Faith," Dax says in a reassuring voice.

'I'll be fine,' I type out and send it to him. I would not be fine, but I need to continue my education.

"Are you sure? You look a little pale," Dax says, and I give him an amused look. Considering my naturally warm tawny skin tone, that was a funny statement to make.

"I'm sorry," he says before climbing out of the car.

I trail a few steps behind Dax as we mount the massive steps that lead up to the school. Stepping into the building I can't help but marvel at how clean it looks and smells. I can faintly hear chatter down the hall but there are too many voices for me to discern what they are saying. Dax greets the lady at the front desk, and we are let back see the principle.

"Mr. Kurning, it's nice to see you again," The short man greets us. He probably only has a few inches on me, and I short even for a woman.

"You must be Faith, it's nice to meet you," he says sticking out a hand for me to shake. I give him a small smile and shake his wrinkly hand.

"Please have a seat," he says before walking back over to his desk.

"I have already informed all of Faith's teachers for this term that she should not be asked to speak during class and that they should keep an eye out for students that might try to make her uncomfortable. The teachers all hastily agreed and said that if you ever need anything Faith just ask them, okay?" Mr. Smithers says with a smile. I smile and nod.

"Wonderful," he says clapping his hands together.

He hands me an envelope with my schedule, locker number, a map, and a list of what each class is currently working on. I am going to have a lot to catch-up on to keep pace with everything. The lady at the front desk shows me to my first class after I give Dax a quick hug goodbye before trailing after the tall redhead. As we walk down the hall, I hear voices drifting out of a classroom to my left.

"Okay class, today we will be having a new student joining us, her name is Faith. Faith is mute; does everyone understand what that is?" The sharp female's voice echoes.

"So, she doesn't speak?"

"Correct, so please be kind to her and if you want to communicate with her, she can write it down or text it to you," the teacher's voice continues, and I prepare myself for the torment.

"Faith? It's this room right here, you can go ahead in," the lady says before walking away.

Collecting a deep breath, I open the door and walk incautiously. The teacher's head snaps to the side and she gives me a big smile. I walk over to her and hand her the little slip and she takes it eagerly and fills it out before turning to address the class.

"Class this is our new student, Faith," the teacher says, and I give an awkward smile. I have done this far too many times.

"Faith, you can have a seat over there," she says pointing to an empty seat.

I swiftly take my seat and pull out my notebook and pencil. Looking around I see everyone typing on their laptops. I didn't bring my laptop to school today because I didn't think I would need it. I take my notes by hand for my first three classes, English, math, and, my least favorite, history.

In the afternoon I have music and a free period. I pause, waiting for the classroom to empty some before getting up and searching the hallways for my locker. Eventually, I find it and throw my textbooks in there. I could find all of them online through my school portal, I will have to figure that out considering none of my other schools operated on such a digital elvel.

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