Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Nerves pick at my stomach as I slide the dress on and put the watch into my little purse. Grabbing the music and my folder I stop to pause in the mirror. Ruka had done my hair and make-up to the nines. Somehow, she managed to curl my long, unruly hair and she had managed to find a foundation that matches my skin tone perfectly.

Stepping out of my room I check my phone subconsciously hoping that the whole event would be canceled. Dax and Ruka pull me into the biggest hugs and I resist the urge to vomit the couple of crackers I had eaten earlier. Ruka slips me a small bottle of a sports drink and we leave and head out to the school. When the car pulls up, I see a few other students trickling in, in their best dress.

"Faith!" Colton's voice rings through the hall and I spin around. Pulling the watch out I turn it on a very quiet pitch.

"You look amazing," he says hugging me.

"Thanks," I say quietly. Colton nearly falls over and I chuckle.

"Did you just...?" He asks me, and I nod.

"Ruka and Dax paid for me to have the vocal cord surgery I needed a while ago and I finally got the okay from the doctor this morning to speak," I lie easily.

"That's amazing! Why didn't you ever mention it?" He asks me confused.

"There was no guarantee that I would ever be able to speak again," I say.

"I understand, hey do you hear that high pitch noise?" He asks me, looking around.

"It's just the heater, I've heard it do that a few times," I say casually, and he nods.

We walk back into the music wing and check-in. Colton puts on his shoes and starts warming up. I wander into Mr. Sel's room and start practicing on the big piano in there. Colton comes in and dances some, but it was more of going through the motions than anything else. The show starts, and I sit out in the hallway sipping on my drink trying not to vomit.

Colton is down the hall practicing and stretching with some other dancers, so I turn off my little app. I sit there bobbing my knee up and down for what feels like an eternity; Colton and I are the second to last act, but we still have to be here the entire time. When our queue is finally given, I walk out first and take my seat.

Colton walks out on stage with the utmost grace and positions himself accordingly. I see the orchestrator give me the cue and I bring my hands up to the keys. Colton gives me a nod and I start playing. I don't remember much of what happens next, but I play the piece with as much heart as I can manage and stay perfectly in time with him. When the piece finally ends everything is silent before the crowd bursts in applause. I finally let out the breath I had been holding and Colton takes his bow. I stand and bow myself before we both walk off the stage.

As I enter the hallway, I quickly turn the app back on as Colton pulls me into a bone-crushing hug. I hug him back trying not to cry. We stand there like that for a moment before he releases me. I can see tears in his eyes, and I smile at him, he is so proud and overjoyed.

"You did amazing," I say in a quiet voice.

"You made my performance," he says, and I shake my head.

"Don't you even try to deny it Faith, that was the best I have ever heard you play it and it made my dance even more powerful," he says, and I just smile.

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