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Here we go, the final chapter of Faith!!! Thank you for all the likes and comments, the support means everything to me. I hope everyone is safe and healthy <3


The music is flowing across the large crowd of people gathering in clusters. Food in one hand and a drink in the other. The Mavericks congregate with their parents for a while before dispersing to talk to everyone else. Cabe, Lyle, and Alexander chat with me easily and it's nice and something I surprisingly enjoy. Checking my watch occasionally, I can feel Cabe watching me.

"What's your shadow snooping around and doing?" He asks me as we grab another drink from the cooler and I smirk.

"He'll be here shortly," I say as my watch pings. Swiping the message away quickly, Cabe gives me some side-eye.

"What are you two plotting? I'm offended you didn't include me," he says quietly, and I chuckle and point towards the back door. Orion walks in with Devyn right behind him and Cabe laughs.

"Lyle you have a guest!" I scream loudly and he spins around confused. People are surprised by my outburst.

"What the hell?" He asks surprised and Devyn walks over and gives me a hug around the shoulders.

"Thanks, Faith," she says.

"No problem, how was your flight?" I ask her sweetly as Lyle weaves through the crowd.

"Devyn, what are you doing in New York?" He asks he baffled.

"My flight was good, thank you for asking," she says almost completely ignoring Lyle. Chuckling to myself, Orion joins Cabe and me.

"Hi Lyle," I say, and he looks between the two of us.

"I'm confused," he says.

"I'm moving to New York and need to find an apartment this week," she says sweetly and his jaw drops.

"She's been asked to be the lead on opening a New York branch for the company she switched to," I say, and he nods in understanding.

"My dad and brother want to meet you," he says to her and she ruffles his hair. Pulling a flat face, he grabs her by the arm, and she waves goodbye.

"They are certainly an interesting pair," Cabe comments, and I grin.

"Devyn is good for him, she's taught him a better work-life balance," I say.

Feeling my phone buzz a few times, I pull it out and check the emails that are flooding in. Swiping open the app, I nearly drop the phone. Reading the tiny print over and over again, I feel Orion and Cabe's gaze on my face. Checking the second email, it's inviting me to an accepted student's event next month. Checking the third, it's a link to check my scholarship package.

"Faith, you look like you've seen a ghost," Cabe saying poking my shoulder.

"I got into Julliard," I say confused and they both take a step back.

"You got in?!" Orion all but screams and I nod.

"She got in where?" Aviva asks with Lena one step behind her.

"I got into Julliard!" I scream excitedly and the whole party screeches to a halt before a loud chorus of cheers and screams commence. I am hugged by a lot of people, but Orion always stays one step behind me. Ruka and Dax pull me into a massive bearhug, and I start crying.

"We're so proud of you Faith," Ruka says and I cry harder. I can't believe I get to go to college, let alone such a prestigious one.

"We'll get there eventually," Cabe says with a smirk and I nod wiping my tears.

As the party starts to wind down, I sit under one of the large trees in the shade and watch people mill around. My feet ache from standing in these shoes all day and I'm exhausted from all of the social interaction. Cabe and Orion help Benjamin and Dr. Hayes clean up the trash, as people who drove themselves here bid goodbye.

"Hiding under the tree now?" Greyson asks me and his normally brilliant eyes seem dark.

"Social interaction is truly exhausting," I say, and he smiles and takes a seat next to me. He and Macie arrived less than an hour ago, they had to run rounds earlier.

"It really is, I've barely been here an hour and I'm spent," he muses but the tone he's forcing doesn't match the vibe he is giving off.

"Is there something you wanted to ask me?" I ask him as passively as I can. He wants something, and something is wrong.

"Would you or the rest of the Metac trio be interested in eventually becoming a part of the team? There is no pressure for an answer right now, but I do want to start planning accordingly if necessary," he says coolly.

"Orion and Cabe could potentially be interested in the future, it's in their nature to want to do good. I've seen it a lot in the last year," I say seriously.

"What about you?" He asks me and I meet his stormy gaze. For a second I am not looking at him, but the face of the man I broke.

"I'm no hero, never have been, never will be. You can cross me off that list," I say firmly, and he doesn't push but rather gets up to help his father.

Walking into the house in search of the bathroom, I wander upstairs. Following Benjamin's directions, I walk into his room to find the second bathroom. Walking back out a few moments later, my attention is captured by a photo neatly hidden behind all the other frames on the dresser. Cranking up my earpiece, I listen to the chaos going on downstairs for a few moments before making my move. Picking up the old frame, carefully placed all the way in the back; shock courses through my veins as I see the younger version of the metahuman's I consider family; but there is more than just Lyle, Alexander, Cathleen, and Greyson in the photo, the additional two people shock me immensely but I do have to say the resemblance is truly striking. Carefully putting the photo back where I left it, I shake my head smirking. 

I knew it was only a matter of time before the truth of why this family behaves how they do starts to unfold, and the wicked side of me that I can't seem to escape, cannot wait to see what happens.

The End

Thank you all so much for reading <3 Please don't forget to like and comment on the chapter. If you would be so kind, please share it with someone if you think they would like. You can always reach out to me in my inbox if you have any questions and follow me for more updates! There is so much more yet to come for the Mavericks.



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