Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty

"What were you three thinking?" Cathleen screams.

"How could you be so reckless? He could have killed you!" Aviva follows up.

"Faith your hands are a mess, what did you boys just watch her destroy that man?" Ruka asks beyond exasperated.

"How did you even track him?" Lyle asks confused.

"Why didn't you just let the police handle the situation? That is their job after all!" Cathleen grinds out.

"Seriously, how did you three even track him?" Lyle asks.

"And you stole my boots! I didn't give those to you yet and I can't even collect the data from them because you disabled the motherboard!' Aviva says flustered.

"Is one of you going to explain what happened?" Ruka asks frustrated and we all glance at each other. We swore solidarity on this, and I will do the talking.

"Cabe knew some old guards, we kept tabs and took advantage of the opportunity," I say simply and every adult in the room stares me down.

"And you didn't think to tell anyone? Or at least say something so I didn't think you were abducted?" Lyle asks frustrated and I genuinely feel bad. I can't imagine the panic he must have felt. Cabe and Orion scuff of the idea of me being abducted.

"We did think of it, I feel bad for stressing you out. But we chose not to tell anyone for a reason," I say seriously.

"That reason being?" Ruka asks me seriously.

"You would have tried to stop us, in case you've forgotten every single person in the room was raised to be a hero or is one," I say with vindication.

"Faith," Aviva says.

"I don't care what unethical things the lot of you have done in your past. We made our choice and regret nothing," I say firmly, and the boys straighten out their shoulders.

"You are all in agreement on that?" Aviva asks and we all nod.

"Then you are all grounded," Ruka says crossing her arms.

"I am twenty years old, and Ion is eighteen. We are technically speaking adults," Cabe says flatly.

"You are still dependent on this family, which there is nothing wrong with. But as long as we are supporting you, I have every right to punish you for acting recklessly and withholding secrets," Ruka says and her look tells me her word is final. I'm being grounded. Flashes of my previous punishment for acting out spill through my mind and I can't help but giggle.

"Faith?" Cathleen asks concerned and I burst into laughter, and it's contagious because Lyle cracks a grin before Orion and Cabe also bust out laughing.

"Screw it, I'll take being grounded, it's better than being starved or beaten," I say with humor and Ruka's eyes widen before she shakes her head.

"Hope warned me she thought you were up to something, but before I could even blink you were gone," she says flatly, and Orion slings an arm across my shoulder, and Cabe puts his on top of Orion's making me giggle again.

"Sorry Ruka, but this Metac trio can only behave themselves for so long," I muse, and she sighs but I can see the faint traces of amusement on her face.

"You are all coming home, right now," she says.

"It's three in the morning," Orion says as he looks at my watch.

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