Chapter Eleven

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Trigger Warning: This chapter may contain scenes or references to sexual assault. If this is triggering for you, stop reading at the astricts and skip to the next one <3

Chapter Eleven

"Hi, my name is Faith; I am a family friend of Alexander Caspian. I need to speak with him, I spoke to his assistant and she said he would be free," I say speaking to the lady at the front desk.

"Mr. Caspian didn't call down to let me know that he was expecting guests. What did you say your last name was?" She asks me.

"I didn't, my name is Faith," I say.

"Dear, we look people up by last name here," she says getting annoyed. I sigh frustrated.

"I don't have one," I grumble out.

"Okay Miss, I don't have time for these games. I'm calling security," she says picking up the phone and I throw my hands up in the air frustrated.

"Faith?" A familiar voice asks me, and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Hi Cathleen, I need to see Alexander and this lady is about to call security on me," I say frustrated.

"I'll show her up Lori," she says dismissively, and she waves off the security guard.

"He's probably in Aviva's lab considering he doesn't need to be in his office right now, it's a straight shot so just find the one that says Arlington on it and knock," she says as the elevator doors open.

"Thank you, Cathleen," I say.

Walking down the hall I peer in some of the labs and see all kinds of different projects going. I nearly walk into someone because I become so distracted. I mumble an apology and keep walking until I come across a lab with frosted glass. The plaque reads Arlington, so I give the door a knock. The door slides open and I see a confused Aviva in front of me.

"Faith, is something wrong?" She asks me with concern lacing her face.

"Is Alexander here? I need to speak with him," I say, and her eyebrows jump up.

"Yeah," she says stepping out of the way.

Alexander's head lifts from his phone and he makes confused eye contact with me. I don't step into the lab, so he gets up and comes outside to meet me. He makes a gesture for me to follow him and I do. We get back into the elevator and go really high up, all the way to the top. Stepping off the elevator we walk past two nice ladies and down the hall into his office.

"I have to say, Faith, I certainly didn't expect you to be here to speak to me," Alexander says sitting down at his desk. I sit down in one of the chairs timidly.

"Well, I wanted to apologize for my behavior at our first meeting. I had a horrible panic attack and don't have a strong grasp of my emotions sometimes," I say.

"Faith, I understand, Ruka told me about how you suffer from panic and anxiety attacks and I would never hold something like that against someone," he says, and I can see the understanding in his green eyes, so different from the other green eyes I know.

"There is another reason why I came here today," I say shifting in my seat. He eyes me curiously.

"That being?"

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