Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

"Hey Faith, I have a question," Colton says as he leans against the locker next to mine. I tilt my head to the side letting him know that I am listening.

"You are amazing with music; do you happen to play for hire?" He asks me, and I shake my head no.

"Damn..." He says disappointed. I sign the letter 'y' with my unoccupied hand.

"I want to participate in the senior showcase but the dance I've been practicing really needs a pianist to help bring it together," Colton says.

'What's the senior showcase?'

"It's basically a talent show for students interested in pursuing arts after high school. Talent agents from across the country come out to see it. A lot of people score acceptances and major scholarships from it," he explains.

'Can you show me the dance? I want to listen to the song.'

He pulls out his phone and opens the video. I watch it skeptically and I know I can learn the piece easily, but I didn't know if I had the grace needed to play it. It has been a long time since I have seriously practiced and played the piano at a professional level.

'Do you have anyone else you can ask?'

"I don't know anyone else who can play the piano half as well as you," Colton says with a sigh.

'I can try?' I send it to him and he jumps up.

"Really?" He asks me, and I can see the excitement in his eyes. I nod amused.

"You also have the last class of the day as a free period, right?" Another nod.

"Okay, we can meet then starting tomorrow," he says, and I shrug.

"Thank you so much Faith! I have to go get the sheet music!" He says before running off.

Walking outside I feel a gaze burning through me and I look around discretely. I can't see anyone, but I know someone is watching me. Looking around for the car that is supposed to pick me up I find the spot filled by another random fancy car. I look around for the red Jeep and don't see that either. Dialing Ruka the phone rings and rings until it goes to voicemail. I dial Dax next and he answers.

"Faith, what's wrong?" He asks me in a quiet voice. I figured he would know why I was calling but I guess not.

'Charlie isn't here, and I don't see Elijah either,' I text him. I hear some shuffling.

"That's strange, I will call him as soon as I get out of my meeting, can you hang in there until then?"

'I'll just walk, it's a beautiful day anyway,' I text, and Dax agrees and rushes me off of the phone.

Hiking my bag up my shoulder I double-check to make sure all of my zippers are closed before taking off. Walking down the long sidewalks I cross quite a few blocks even with the penetrating gaze following me. Slipping down an alleyway I turn another corner and press myself against the wall. Adrenaline pounds through my veins and I pull my pocket knife out of the waistband of my skirt.

I don't know what idiot thought it would be a good idea to follow me, but I am going to make sure they regret it. If it's someone from Metac I am going to have to permanently silence them somehow. I won't kill them, but I am not above putting someone in a coma or making it so that they never remember that this happened. Closing my eyes, I listen for the footfalls, but I hear none. Maybe they had a shred of sanity.

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