Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

"I have confirmation for the recital and Cabe forwarded me the information he got from the guards who left a few years ago that he kept in contact with," I say to Orion, we keep glancing at the sky, waiting for one of the Mavericks to see us conspiring on the roof of my apartment complex.

"I don't know if bringing him along would be a wise choice," Ion says uneasily, and I sigh. I wanted him to be with us for this.

"I visited him this morning, he's doing great. But not well enough to chase down a mass murderer. I'd be more worried about him hurting himself than focusing on what we need to do," I admit, and Ion sighs this time.

"You've already committed to playing, this is our only chance right now. I don't want to pass this up but Cabe deserves to be with us," Orion says and I lean against the massive air conditioning unit behind me.

"He's supposed to be discharged tomorrow; Dr. Hayes says he's in good health. I just worry because it's so soon. Did you ask him what he wanted?" I ask.

"He said he trusted your judgment, but I could tell it was killing him to not say he wanted to go," Ion says, and I nod.

"This is going to be hard; I don't want to make this more difficult on you," I say, and Orion ruffles his hair. Cabe's surgery being delayed a week really messed our schedule up, but we couldn't exactly tell anyone that.

"We move our plans into action after your recital, if everything goes correctly, I will pick you up at Lyle's apartment. If not, I have your change of clothes and everything else," Orion says, and I bite my lip. I have therapy in an hour and then I am getting dropped off in California. I feel bad dragging Lyle into this, but he's my only resource out that way right now. I am also dying to meet this Devyn woman I've heard some about.

I sprung this on everyone, I lied and said that this conservatory asked me to step in as a guest pianist after finding a video of me from last year's showcase online. Ruka and Dax were certainly surprised, but the story checked out because I may have influenced the curator to believe that to be true. I am not proud of it, but I am not about to let this slip away from us.

"Alright, let's get going. It's time to get our heads shrunk," Orion jokes and I just shake my head at his terrible attempt at a pun. My nerves start to pick away at me, if we mess this up, there is a high probability we will never be able to chase this opportunity again.

"Faith, I'm ready for you," Hope says, and I follow her into her office. Flopping onto the couch, I opt to lay down and I grab my favorite pillow. She turns on a nice guitar instrumental and I try to focus on what she's asking me, but the world is shifting in and out of focus as my adrenaline spikes.

"Faith, you are very distant today. What is going on? Did something happen?" She asks me bluntly and I snap out of it.

"I was mean to Cabe this morning, I feel terrible about it. He just got out of surgery and I was a bitch," I lie easily, and she shifts in her chair, I hear every tiny sound the wheelie chair makes.

"What happened? Walk me through it," she says, and I shift around on the couch.

"He made some off-handed comment and I snapped at him. It's hard, some days he doesn't put me as on edge and other days I want to rip his throat out," I say and there is some validity to that statement.

"Okay, now what is actually bothering you?" She asks me and I roll my head to the side confused.

"That is what's bothering me?" I play innocent.

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