Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

I am released from the infirmary within three days and I noticed that my little device is missing from my bra. I don't know where it went, it is very well possible I told them I had it and they took it. I am still feeling the after-effects of all of the drugs they pushed into my system. I just am praying that I didn't give them any information on Orion and Cabe.

Walking into the cafeteria I go and grab food before sitting down at a table in the corner that is currently empty. Glancing around I see the boy that I was sparing with at a different table, he looks thinner than before and I can see bruises fading, but he is still alive. Dropping my head back down I force the food into my mouth knowing that I need to eat something. I need to keep up my metabolic rate and start putting weight back on or I won't be able to do anything.

"Maestro," a strong female demands, causing me to raise my head.

"What?" I snap unintentionally.

"The guards are very angry," she seethes.

"Why is that?" I drawl out playing with my food.

"You wouldn't tell the whereabouts of anyone that has gone missing within the last few months," she snaps.

"And you're here for what reason?" I ask bluntly.

"They are taking it out on the rest of us," she growls.

"If I knew where they were, don't you think I would have told them with the sheer number of drugs they pumped into me?" I ask pointing to my arm which is now wrapped in a large wrap from the fifteen different needle injections I received.

"Just tell them where Omni and Breach are already!" She yells at me slamming her hands down on the table.

"As I said before, if I knew where they were, I would have told the guards already considering I have absolutely no recollection of the time that passed," I say calmly.

"You're a bitch," she sneers.

"Yeah, I know," I say honestly, and she is thrown off by my demeanor and just leaves in a huff.

Two hands hit my shoulders, but I am not surprised, I heard him enter the room a few moments ago. I know his breathing patterns, the exact time in-between his steps, I can spot the sound of his boots hitting the ground from a mile away at this point. He leans closer to me and his minty breath fills my nostrils, but I suppress the unpleasant shiver that courses through me.

"Maestro, your music lesson started five minutes ago," he says in his stern and unnerving voice.

"I didn't get to finish my food," I say calmly.

"You'll eat a bigger dinner," he says grabbing my tray and throwing it away.

Pushing myself up from my spot my eyes scan the entire cafeteria and I can see everyone looking back at me. I am this anomaly that most people fear and are curious about at this point. I am the first person ever to escape from Metac and I am sure they told everyone I died and now I am back again. In addition to this, the guards have beaten me within an inch of my life multiple times, and I have disappeared from the daily routine on more than one occasion.

I follow the General out of the room with my head held high and my chin sets firmly. I don't back down from the gazes eating away at me and I ignore the whispers that start. One day they will all understand, and those stares won't be so angry. Entering the room with the piano I see multiple pages already up and I can see the mass of black notes from across the room. The two guards already in the room stand at attention and I can't help the internal smirk of satisfaction as I see how beaten up, they are.

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