Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six

Boarding the plane with the few other metahumans, I can tell they are all on edge, no one has ever flown before. Touching my earpiece, I dial it up as Cabe, Orion, and I sit in a row together. I watch as they touch their earpieces as well, we all settle in for the long flight to New York. Checking my phone, I still see that there have been no updates on the General. Frustration builds within me; it's been two weeks since my meeting in the capital and nothing has come from it. If we don't move quickly, he's going to leave the country.

Aviva, Ruka, Dax, and Alexander board the plane last and I see the stress on their features. Cathleen is staying behind to hand off the Docs case off to the best attorney in the west. I could tell she didn't want to do it, but she has a company to run and a city to look after and can't exactly just stay away from New York for months at a time.

Once we finally take off, I feel two elbows nudge me and I open my eyes confused. Orion gives me a firm look and I glance around. What does he want? Listening closely, I hear his fingers tapping on the armrest. N.E.W.S, he taps out in Morse code. Shaking my head, no, Cabe's face tightens, the horror of what we just witnessed still brutally fresh. We want that man to suffer; not be roaming the country.

Listening again, Cabe takes his turn taping quietly, and no one around us seems to even notice. Most of the meta's turned off their earpieces so that they couldn't hear every little noise the plane makes. Focusing back in, I can hear Cabe repeating, 'what's next'. Sinking down in my seat, I glance up and across the aisle to Aviva who is focused on the tablet in her hand. If any member of the team would know Morse Code for some reason, it would be her.

'We find him,' I tap out carefully. I see two curt nods before we stop for a while. I am supposed to be going back to New York, getting to a healthy weight, and starting therapy. I am not supposed to be hunting down the man who ruined all of our lives.

We hit a few patches of turbulence and Orion instinctively grabs my arm. Giving him some side-eye, he gives me an uneasy grin and I shake my head at him. I've missed him a lot these last few years, but I can't shake what he said before I went on my suicide mission. The Faith he knows is gone now; I won't ever be the same... but ultimately is that a bad thing?

When the plane finally lands, we are all thankful to get off the cramped and stale metal contraption. Stretching my legs out, Ruka comes up beside me with my carry on and three granola bars in her hand. Taking one, I chuck one at Cabe and hand the third to Orion.

"Faith, it's not nice to hurl food at people," Ruka tries to say in a motherly tone, but she's too busy biting back a laugh.

"Someone has to keep him on his toes," I say quietly. I don't want to have my watch on at the airport, people might panic at the noise. Keeping quiet, three massive luxury vans pull up and we start piling in. Alexander is in the front of the van I end up in when his phone rings.

"Hi dad," he says cheerily, and they chat for a few moments.

"What do you mean Lyle is moving to California?!" Alexander asks loudly, the driver not even phased by his. outburst. Listening closely, I hear his dad all but begging Alexander to try and talk his brother out of this decision. I am not surprised by this; I had actually spent quite a bit of time with Lyle over the last few weeks, he spent time in the hospital volunteering and I would help him sometime. He had admitted to me in confidence he was thinking about moving, but I didn't realize he meant that far away or so soon. 

"Is he okay?" Someone whispers and I nod. He's just shocked. I feel the few people in the back ease up slightly and I turn around to give them a small smile. I punch Alexander in the shoulder, and he looks startled and I give him a dangerous look and he lowers his voice. I told them all to not raise their voices unless it is an emergency, and I can tell he already forgot.

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