Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

"Are you sure you know where you are going?" Cathleen's voice questions me for the tenth time over the phone.

"Yes, Cathleen, I can read and navigate without someone hovering over my shoulder," I say sarcastically.

"I can send a driver," she says, and I shake my head at her.

"I'm already halfway there," I say.

"Alright, let me know if you need anything," she says before hanging up.

It is now a week to the wedding and Cathleen, Aviva, and Alexander are all running around like maniacs trying to finalize everything. I am keeping myself out of it as much as possible and in my attempt to avoid wedding-related things somehow, I agreed to go and speaking to Cabe in the hospital. Walking in I go to the front desk and they point me the right way.

A chill goes down my spine as I walk through a sterile hall, my feet treading lightly on the tile floor and the lights hurting my eyes slightly. I finally find the floor and wing I am looking for and the anxiety kicks in.

"Hi, I am looking for the John Doe, somebody called ahead for me," I say tentatively, and the nurse gives me a once over.

"Who called?" She asks, and I know the answer.

"I. V," I say and the nurse nods and points me in the right direction.

Pausing outside of his room I try to calm my ragged pulse and keep myself in check. Closing my eyes, I focus on my heartbeat and breathing. Raising a hand, I knock on the door and hear a voice. Slowly opening the door, I step in and see Cabe in a hospital bed, looking confused but almost healed.

"You are not my doctor," he says sitting up slightly.

"No, I'm not..."

"Then who are you?" He asks me, and I can see the guarded look in his eyes.

"My name is Faith, and I know who you are," I say with a tight smile.

"Please, have a seat," he says gesturing to the chair next to his bedside.

Closing the door behind me I cautiously walk over and take a seat. My body is highly alert, I keep waiting for him to surprise me and attack me. Looking into his brown eyes I see nothing but confusion and curiosity swirling around, and I try to sit back and relax but my body remains stiff as a board.

"How do you know me?"

"We've known each other for a long time," I say.

"I would ask if we were friends, but you look like you want to run away from me," he says with a perplexed look.

"Do you remember anything?"

"Nothing, the only memories I have are from when I woke up," he says.

"Your name is Cabe," I say testing the waters.

"Cabe?" He asks, and I can tell the name seems familiar to him.

"Yes, I don't know your last name, unfortunately, where we come from, you don't have or use one," I say.

"Where do we come from?" He asks patiently, and I struggle to figure out how to summarize it.

"Why do you look so scared of me?" He asks me, and I see a genuine concern in his eyes that startles me.

"You hurt me, worse than I have ever been hurt in my life," I say looking at my lap.

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