Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

Everyone is starting to become restless and give the doctors problems. A lot of the younger ones also have very little control over their new abilities and keep using them because they are scared. Cabe floats with the older ones to make sure they stay calm and Ion and I run around trying to keep anyone under the age of twelve from hurting a nurse or doctor.

"Faith," a stern voice from behind me says catching me mid-run.

"Yes," I say spinning around and looking at the police chief.

"The children are presenting a threat to the staff of the hospital," he says seriously.

It dawns on me that he is talking to me as if I am in charge of all one hundred and eight of them as if they listen to and report to me. The weight of that settles on my shoulder quite heavily and I am not sure if I like it. I always wanted to free them but to be the person making life-altering decisions for them? I think that's a little over my head.

"I know, they are becoming restless and scared because the doctors are trying to do more tests on them," I say.

"The doctors can't help them if they don't understand them," he says.

"What is your name?" I ask him suddenly. I can't remember if he ever introduced himself or if I just forgot his name. 

"Nickolas," he says.

"Well Chief Nickolas, I don't know where to get you the information you are searching for," I say playing dumb.

"We already retrieved all of the files and computers in the compound and found that all of the papers have had information redacted and all of the computers have been wiped clean," Nickolas says, and I can sense the tension in his tone.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Yes, so we have no information on any of the children and have no basis of how to help them," he says sternly.

"They need to be fed, sleep, and they need something to occupy themselves. Bring them books and things to draw with, they aren't used to being idle so when they have too much free time on their hands that's when they'll start to act up," I reply trying to defuse the situation.

"I'll see if we can get some books donated but I don't think that is going to be enough. What are we going to with them in the long run? We can't just stick children like them into the foster care system," he says.

"Right now, let's just focus on keeping them out of trouble and getting them all healthy," I say.

How old does Nickolas think I am? He is treating me as if I am responsible for them and as if I was their mother. I am not related to any of them and most of them hate me anyway. I watch as he sighs and walks away leaving me back to my constant running around.

The girl who lost her temper with me in the lunchroom accidentally sets herself on fire out of fear of a needle, and sets off the sprinklers on the entire floor, soaking everything to the bone and causing the fire department to come. I can tell the staff is becoming slightly agitated with the children, I don't blame them, they are more than a handful, they are the equivalent of one hundred handfuls.

I ask to have a meeting with most of the staff when they all have a moment and we set something up for this afternoon. The little amount of information that they have on these kids isn't making this situation any better and I know if I can just explain some things to them, everything should hopefully improve.

"Faith," someone's voice calls out to me.

Spinning around I see a still damp Orion making his way towards me. I meet him halfway to have this conversation over with quicker, I have other children to attend to.

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