Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

"Faith, breakfast is ready!"

Forcing my tired eyes open I look around the room incredibly confused. This isn't my little room, and that certainly wasn't Mrs. Sturn's voice. Sitting up I see flattened boxes in the corner and my single bag sitting on the chair next to my desk. I try to put everything together in my head, but I honestly couldn't remember how I got here.

"Faith?" My head whips up in surprise and I see a petite woman with thick black, silky hair in my doorway.

"Oh, you are awake sweetie, I made pancakes, don't take too long dear or they will get cold!" She says before disappearing.

Climbing out of bed I go into my bathroom and look down at the grey granite countertop and slowly bits start coming back to me. That was Ruka in the doorway and she is married to Dax and they are my new foster parents. Walking into the kitchen I hop up onto one of the stools and dig into the warm fluffy pancakes in front of me.

"When do you want to go shopping dear?" Ruka asks taking a seat across from me with her own plate of pancakes. My brows scrunch together in confusion, shopping?

"Remember we have to go shopping for your uniform today and whatever else you may need," Ruka says.

Looking for a pen and paper I see one across the room and hop up and grab it. Quickly scrawling down that whenever it is fine with me, I hand it to Ruka and she smiles. We finish breakfast quietly and I wash the dishes while Ruka dries and puts them away.

"I would have done the dishes," she says as I hand her the last one. I just give a dismissive wave, it's the least I could do after she made me such a wonderful breakfast.

"Go change dear and we'll head out," she says, and I give her the okay symbol.

Walking back into my room I slide the door open to my closet and see all of the clothes that magically appeared and swipe them to the side. I don't understand why they didn't buy the uniforms when they bought everything else, but Ruka pegs me as the type who likes to shop so I am not surprised. Grabbing the black blouse and jeans that Nolan bought me I put that on with my sneakers. Walking back into the kitchen I don't see Ruka around, I trace my way into the living room and then the room off to the side. I see a beautiful grand piano sitting proudly in the middle of the room.

The piano practically consumes the room considering its size and dark color. Walking over I trace my fingers across the shiny black surface before sitting down on the bench. I haven't played the piano in years except when I had to take music classes in my previous school. Looking around for Ruka she still hasn't reappeared. Would they be mad if I played? But why would you have a piano if you didn't want people to play it...

Sucking in a slow breath I raise my hands and place them on the smooth keys before pressing down tentatively. I hit the opening chords for Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. I continue to play what I can remember until I hear a door open and close in the back of the apartment. The slightly tapping of shoes tells me Ruka is coming and I walk into the living room and peer at some photos.

"Why did you stop playing dear?" Ruka asks me and I cringe, she had heard me. I shrug my shoulders in response.

"The piano belongs to Dax, he doesn't play very frequently anymore but I am sure he wouldn't care if you used it, Faith," Ruka says with a smile.

"Come on let's go shopping!" She says before grabbing her keys and walking out the door.

We spend most of the day shopping for uniforms, shoes, undergarments. I try to protest but Ruka absolutely isn't having it. I think I have met my match when it comes to someone being as stubborn as I am. As we sit down in the food court for a few moments I stare at the massive number of bags we have accumulated and can't help but to cringe, I hate having money spent on me.

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