Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

"Who's the woman sitting in the corner?" The police chief asks me.

"She's just as much of a hostage as the rest of us," I say simply.

"What do you mean?"

"The people that set up this camp threatened not only her own life but the life of her two sons and her husband. She's the doctor here," I say.

"We are going to have to arrest her as well," the chief says giving me a skeptical look.

"You are not to question her until Cathleen Winters is present, she will be her attorney," I say, and the chief just looks at me like I am nuts.

"So, Faith... I need to get this right for my notes. How exactly did the three of you manage to handcuff sixty-two adults?" He asks pulling out a pad of paper.

"Well you see I was able to get to the camps PA system and kindly ask everyone to drop their weapons and head out into the courtyard," I say.

"And they just listened?"

"You really are having a hard time grasping the fact that we all are metahumans, aren't you?" I ask him confused.

"Why am I not being swayed by your voice if you are a metahuman?" He asks me, and I shake my head. Grabbing the phone out of my pocket. I turn off the high-pitched noise. Didn't I already explain this to him?

"Is this enough evidence for you?" I ask him in a smooth voice and his eyes start to glaze over.

"I wasn't kidding when I said that I can manipulate people with just my voice, now I want you to remember this conversation and snap out of your trance," I say, and I turn the noise back on and he snaps too.

"Are the kids here dangerous?"

"Yes, but at least they aren't armed," I say trying to hide my amusement.

"What exactly are we supposed to do with them? If they are dangerous where can we take them?"

"Most of them need medical attention, many of them have been beaten very badly recently and have been starved. They need food and a calm environment."

"Do you think they would cooperate in ambulances?"

"Oh boy..." I mumble realizing I hadn't thought about how we would get the kids out of here.

"Unless you have any other ideas?" He asks me, and I shake my head no.

"Let's start with arresting all of the adults here and call some more ambulances," the chief says to his team. I watch as they jump into action and I panic for a moment.

"Wait!" I yell, and the chief gives me a distraught look. I click the noise back off and walk over in front of all of the guards.

"Guards, General, and staff, when you are questioned about what you did here, you will tell them the truth and nothing but the truth. If you try to lie you will smack your forehead repeatedly and say I am a liar, a big fat liar. You are all released from my command once I snap my fingers, but do not forget what I told you," I say snapping my fingers and stepping out of the way.

The guards start coming too and becoming agitated and confused. The police force does their best to handle everyone but some of the guards are downright a handful and try to attack them. Maybe I should have waited to release them from my command. Orion and Cabe join me to the side and we watch the whole ordeal go down. Cabe keeps a healthy space between us and I am thankful for that.

"So, a little birdy told me the General was about to kill you," Orion mumbles to me.

"Cathleen saved my ass," I say with a grimace.

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