Chapter Eight

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I hope everyone is safe and healthy right now!! I know the world is incredibly crazy right now and I just hope everyone is doing okay <3 CC

Chapter Eight

"I don't know what to do Dax, you should have seen the look in her eyes when she saw Alexander. There was so much fear and panic, but there was also this anger that I have never seen from her before. I can't even fathom why she would have given him that look," Ruka's choked up voice drifts through my ears. Rolling over I check the clock and see that is it only five in the morning.

"I don't know either, you've known him much longer than I have but if you can't think of a reason why she would have acted that way then I certainly wouldn't have one," Dax's worried voice says quietly.

"She spoke Dax, she told me not to touch her. It was shocking the raw emotion that oozed from her. I felt so compelled not to get close to her after that, it was nothing short of terrifying," Ruka says, and tears burn in my eyes.

"So, she can speak..." Dax says thoughtfully.


"I think the real problem is what happened to her to make her lash out so horribly and to just stop talking," Dax says thoughtfully.

"How do we help her Dax? She clearly is hurting inside. Normally our children open up to us by now, but she just keeps pulling herself further away."

"There's something that is following her," Dax says, and I get chills.

"What do you mean?"

"She's always looking over her shoulder, she's fearful of strangers and tenses up very frequently," Dax says, and tears pour out of my eyes, I put a hand over my mouth to keep myself quiet.

"Do you think it's the camp? Do you think that they are still after her? I've spoken to Nolan and he said he still hasn't been able to confirm the camp's existence, but he followed up with one of the previous foster families that sent her back suddenly. He was never able to complete a final interview with them until a few weeks ago."

"What did they say?"

"It's what they didn't say, they didn't remember anything that happened at all, or why they sent her back. It's as if there was just a big hole in their memories."

"Do you think she can manipulate people's memories?" Dax asks, and I can hear the fear in his voice.

"If I had to go off of a hunch, I would say no, it's something bigger than that," Ruka says and I can't help but sit upright in bed. I can't hide anything from the two of them. I've been trained to be a spy and yet everything is just so plain to them. It must come with fostering seven other metahumans. 

"Well we have no evidence-" Dax starts but Ruka cuts him off.

"If I had to guess, it's something to do with her voice. Aviva said she found a strange substance attached to each vocal cord," Ruka says and a chill goes down my spine.

"Can you think of anything to get her to talk to us?" Dax asks in a sad tone.

"I think we just need to wait," Ruka says.

My alarm blares at me and I hop out of bed and start getting dressed. I put concealer on under my eyes and a little blush on my cheeks to hide how exhausted and dead I look. I slip out of my room into the kitchen and grab an apple and my things that Ruka had laid out on the counter. I am almost done packing my bag when I hear their bedroom door open. Grabbing my phone and my keys I have my hand on the door handle.

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