Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

"Can you help her?" A distant voice asks.

"I can try, but I don't like messing with other people's molecular system," another voice says.

"Please, she needs help," the voice begs.

A hand is placed on my shoulder and it snaps back into place, I feel all of the pain but exert no reaction. The same hand is placed on my side and a weird burning sensation occurs. If I could move, I would be crawling out of my skin. Breaking a sweat, I feel myself starting to become more conscious.

"That's the best I can do, she won't bleed anymore but it will take a few weeks to finish healing," the voice says, and I recognize the voice, but can't put my finger on who it is.

"Thank you, sweetheart," the soft voice asks.

"Of course,"

"What happened?" A strained, but deeper voice asks.

"I wish I knew Dax; when I showed up, she was already beaten up and she was walking away from the other person I am assuming that was in the fight. He looked even worse than she does. Cathleen took him to the hospital, before dropping us off here," the voice says.

"Did you recognize him?"

"I've never seen him before in my life,"

I go into a horrible coughing fit and my body spams in pain. I feel myself being sat up as I cough up some liquid. Something soft is placed on my face and wipes away whatever just came out of my mouth. I try to breathe normally but my ribs ache and a groan slips through my lips. Somebody lays me back down and I become aware of multiple bodies in the room.

"Faith?" A scared voice asks me and tears well up in my eyes.

"Faith sweetie, can you hear us?" The voice continues, and the warm tears slip down my cheeks.

"Ruka," I gasp as sobs rack my frame.

Everything hurts, and crying makes it worse, but I can't make it stop. Tears pour down my face and I curl up trying to make the pain go away. The fear in her voice rips my heart apart. Why am I such a mess? Why do I always hurt them? Why can't I just be normal?

Somebody is trying to soothe me, but I don't deserve their attention. I do nothing but bring pain to everyone around me. Anger burns in my chest causing me to cry harder as my body trembles. Rolling over my face is buried into the fabric of the couch and I can barely breathe, but I can't seem to care. Warm hands on my back make me cringe and try to get away. Just leave me to burn in my hell, please just leave me alone.

"What should we do?" Ruka's strained voice asks, and I hear someone else sniffling.

"I don't know," Dax's broken voice responds and another sob rips through my lips.

Silence settles into the room as my body slowly stills as my tears stop falling. A sense of emptiness starts in my chest and spreads all through my torso. A numb feeling consumes me from the inside out and I just lay there trying to will myself back to being unconscious. But to no avail, I am wide awake. Somebody kneels next to the couch and I feel a soft hand placed on my arm very cautiously.


"Please... don't," I whisper.

"Faith, please, look at me," her gentle voice prods me and I roll over.

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