Chapter Fourteen

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Somehow I ended up with three chapter thirteen's??? Just quarantine things

Chapter Fourteen

The next day I went back to school and tried my hardest to forget the events that occurred at dinner last night. Dax and Ruka didn't say much to me after that, and I didn't have anything to say at all. I leave my watch in my pocket today because I don't want to speak, I don't want to be noticed, I just want to go through my classes and move on.

"Hey Faith, how was your break?" Colton asks me, and I just smile at him.

"How's your throat?" He asks, and I make an 'eh' gesture.

"I heard you were switched into the upper-level music class because of the senior showcase," Colton says, and I pause.

'What?' I text him confused.

"Was that false information?" He asks, and I just divert to the front office, and the lady smiles at me.

"Hi Faith, how can I help you?" She asks me sweetly.

'Can I have a printed copy of my schedule?' I write down and hand her the little slip of paper.

"Of course, dear just give me one second," she says before her fingers fly over the keyboard.

She prints out the paper and hands it to me and also hands me a late pass to homeroom. Looking over my schedule I see that my history teacher has changed along with the fact that Colton was right, I have been switched into a more difficult music class. I still doubt I would learn much, but it was a nice thought; I guess.

Walking into history later that day I see a new woman in the front of the room. I take my seat, pull out my books, and get ready for class to start. Carter sits next to me and we pass notes for a few moments until the new teacher starts calling roll. Looking her over, she is seeming to be in her early forties with slightly graying hair and a stern look on her face. Her blue eyes seem faded and she looks tired.

"Faith..." She trails off looking for my last name. I simply raise my hand to indicate I am here, and she gives me a weird look before continuing.

She goes on and introduces herself as Ms. Glah and goes on and starts her lecture. Halfway through the class, she switches things up and we crack open our textbooks and she has students take turns reading passages from it. My classmates skip over me as per normal when activities like this occur and Ms. Glah stops us.

"You accidentally skipped Faith, Carter. Go ahead and read Faith," she says, and I just give her a confused look. Did she not get the memo? None of my teachers have been informed I can talk now, I decided not to change things now, and Carter and Colton won't say a word about anything. 

"Ms. Glah?" Carter asks confused and she looks between the two of us with a disdained look.

"Well, go ahead Faith," Ms. Glah says annoyed.

"Ms. Glah, Faith has vocal cord damage," Carter says uncomfortably. They both accepted the story as fact.

"What are you talking about? If such a thing were true then it would be noted here," she says raising her clipboard with our class list.

"It is true," another guy from the soccer team chimes in.

"You kids think you are so funny, I see through your games. I'm not falling for your little prank. Faith read your passage, or you get a zero for today," Ms. Glah says, and my eyes widen.

Something burns inside of me, but I swallow it and stand up. I march to the front of the room, book in hand, and she starts talking but I give her a death glare. Grabbing an expo marker, I write out the entire passage I was supposed to read before dropping the marker back onto the ledge and taking my seat again. We exchanged angry glances before she storms over to her desk and writes me a pink detention slip. She drops it on my desk before having the class resume.

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