Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter Twenty-Four

"I can't believe she's still asleep,"

"Should we wake her up?"

"No, she's heartbroken, and she's been through some much in the last three months, she deserves the rest..."

"I'm worried about her; I know that look. I have seen it in a few of the kids and it's is like a different person is in their heads,"

"I most likely have dissociative identity disorder and Faith probably does too... We make an effort to not self-diagnose, but it's becoming harder and harder to ignore and hide,"

"That doesn't surprise me,"

"What did Alexander want?"

"He was asking me about my meta ability... I think he has a similar one. I wonder if I was modeled after him,"

"That's interesting, I don't know a lot about the team, I've just met them in passing. I only know the one has shadow abilities and the one who can manipulate molecules,"

"Can you two stop yapping?" I grumble out as I roll over trying to find a cool spot on the mattress.

"Hey Faith, if you're awake you need to eat," Orion's voice says, and I groan.

"I am not hungry,"

"I will literally force it down your throat, you haven't eaten in almost twenty-four hours Faith, and in case you have suddenly forgotten, that is bad because we are trying to have you gain some weight," Orion says.

Sitting up in bed, I pull my hair out of my face and look over at the two boys. They look like they haven't slept in months and even though I just slept for an eternity, I know I look just as bad. Cabe gets up and I can tell he is going to get me something to eat. He comes back with a muffin and a cup of coffee, with two sugars in it.

"How did you know I like my coffee like this?" I ask him.

"It's the way I take my coffee,"

"Is everything cleaned up?" I ask bitterly.

"Yes, and all of the kids are now in the next four rooms," Orion answers quickly.

"Did someone go talk to the chief?"

"Yes..." Orion says, and I hear the hesitation in his voice.

"Spit it out,"

"The commander escaped, that's how he got a hold of the remote. They have a lot of people looking for him..."

"They won't find him,"

"But we will, one day," Cabe says. I see a flash of seething rage in his eyes before he looks away.

"I'll make him hurt the way he hurt me and then I'll throw him right into a jail cell and make sure he knows what it is like to look through bars every day of your blasted life as people breathe down your neck and dictate your every single choice," I say bitterly as I search for a change of clothes.

"I guess we should be thankful that's all you want to do," a female voice says.

"Hi Avi," I say with an innocent smile.

"Ruka wants you to come over,"


"Because she misses you and is worried about you," Aviva says.

"People caring about me, such a hassle," I grumble going and getting changed.

"I hope you are kidding," Aviva calls out.

"Of course I am kidding, you are my family!" I yell back, they are my family, and I do feel like love them all. In a weird way, I find myself doubting if this is what familial love feels like, but I know I care and that's all that matters.  Knowing they are there and waiting for me is the only thing that got me out of bed right now.

"Come on," Aviva says, and we leave the building.

The car ride is longer than normal because traffic is bad. We sit in an easy silence, but something keeps nagging at me. There is a lot I didn't know about Aviva and I am dying to ask her some questions. I have a feeling, out of everyone now in my life, she would be able to understand me the most. I want to get to know this family better too, they are all I have right now.

"Aviva?" I ask tentatively.


"What happened to your parents?"

"That's a complex conversation," she says and there is no bitterness or anger in her voice. Her voice is calm and collected. I have a lot of respect for her control over her emotions. 

"I'm sorry, you don't have to answer then," I say quickly.

"No, it's fine, we aren't exactly going anywhere anytime soon," she says with a laugh.


"My father was murdered around the time that my mother reappeared and started causing a whole lot of trouble for everyone involved. I inherited my powers from my mother and when I was young, she was injured so badly her body particilized but she never died. When she finally reformed, she was half insane and on the brink of death. In an all-out battle in the middle of the city and then the countryside, she tried to kill me, but I was stronger, and I had to destroy her..."

"Pardon?" I ask dumbfounded

"Do you even know what my ability is, Faith?"

"No, but I know your glasses play a role in it, somehow, or someway; something about molecules to I think."

"I can see the world on a molecular level, and I can manipulate said molecules," she says, and it all makes sense. The warmth behind my ear and in my throat reappears and I understand how she was able to figure everything out.

"That just put a lot of things into perspective for me," I say.

"I've done a lot of things I am not proud of and I have been hurt more severely than I thought possible Faith, although I can't say I have been through what you have, please know I am always here to talk," Aviva says genuinely and I meet her amber-brown eyes.

For a moment, I see the pain in her eyes, and it reminds me of what I see in Orion's eyes every day. It quickly fades as she looks at her phone, the stunning portrait of her and Cathleen appears, and her lips tug up slightly into a smile. She adores that woman, they bonded over something dark, but they made themselves stronger because of it.

"I know," I say quietly, but with a smile. 

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