Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

"Hey Faith," Colton says coming up behind me; I could hear him and Carter all the way down the hall.

"Hiya," Carter says following into step on my other side. I give them a smile in return.

"I heard you're helping this buffoon with his piano skills?" Carter teases and I silently laugh.

'He's pretty good, he just gets tripped up over certain passages sometimes,' I text them in our group chat.

"Awe that's so sweet Faith," Colton coos while rustling my hair. I elbow him hard in the side with a smirk on my face.

"What are you doing after school?" Carter asks and I pause to think about it.

'I'm having a big family dinner tonight at six with all of my foster parent's other foster children,' I send to them and Carter smiles.

"That sounds like it'll be a great time," Carter says.

"I always forget you've only been here a few weeks," Colton muses aloud.

'What are your plans?' I type out quickly before we walk outside.

"We're playing a home game shortly, we should get going so we can warm up," Colton says and Carter nods. I tug on Colton's sleeve and he turns back and looks at me.

"Do you want to come to the game?" Colton asks me, trying to piece together my thoughts. I nod enthusiastically and he just chuckles.

"It's on the soccer field in the back left, it should start within half an hour," Carter says before they runoff.

I wander my way back to the field and see a few parents in the bleachers. I take a seat in the front but off to the side so I can excuse myself when I need to go. Pulling out my planner I check how much homework I have, and I see that I need to work on my junior thesis tonight. Looking at the date I nearly fall over when I see it's my birthday, December second.

I would only be seventeen when I graduate from high school because somewhere between all of the schools I have been to, I skipped a grade. I'm still not sure how. Pulling my sweater closer I get comfortable as the guys run out onto the field.

I watch the first half of the game before slipping off of the field during a break. Checking my phone, I see I have a missed call from Elijah. Dialing the phone, it rings before it picks up.

"Hey Faith, I'm sorry I couldn't take you home today. Did you manage okay?" His cheerful voice asks me.

I pause for a moment as I see a familiar head of hair. Hiking my backpack up I jog over and tap him on the shoulder. Elijah whips around surprised with his phone still in hand. He busts up laughing and I silently chuckle.

"Why are you still here? Where did you even come from?" Elijah asks me, putting his phone away.

I mime out soccer, and he looks at me amused for a few minutes before pretending to kick a soccer ball back to me. We play air soccer for a few moments before he gestures for me to come with him. Hoping into his Jeep I get comfortable as he puts on some music. I bob my head with the beat as I send a text to Colton and Carter.

"Do you want to stop and change before we head to the restaurant?"

I wave a hand dismissively and he just nods in understanding. Everyone at this dinner party went through this school and had to wear the uniform so I don't care if they see me in it. Pulling up the restaurant Elijah parks his car and I braid my hair back quickly wanting it out of my face.

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