Chapter Seventeen

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This was another song I listened to a ridiculous amount when writing Faith, a very different vibe! XX Cc

Chapter Seventeen

"Maestro, get your ass out of bed!" A male voice screams at me jolting me from my uneasy sleep.

Bolting up I scramble out of bed and rapidly make the bed as the door slams open and someone comes and pushes me against the wall. A hand wraps itself around my throat and a red-faced man I don't recognize is two inches from me. His breath is rank, and I resist the urge to cringe further into the wall.

"I don't ever want to tell you to get up again, if I do, you won't eat for a week," he screams at me and my ears ring. I gasp for air and he lets me go and storms out of my cell.

I finish making the bed, tucking everything so that it is tight and taunt. I stand at attention as my sector's cell doors slide open. Walking out into the hallway I stand in line as they check everyone's beds. I feel a smack to the back of my head but don't move. The stares practically burn my neck, I can hear the heartbeats of quite a few familiar people, but many are new.

As we make our way towards the mess hall I am yanked out of line and shoved against the wall. They pat me down aggressively but don't find anything. Two people flank my side as we walk away from everyone else. The familiar high pitch noise continues to ring strongly as I am shoved into an all too familiar room.

A shiver goes down my spine as I am forced onto my knees. Nothing could ever prepare anyone for what happens in this room. My head is forced down and I hear each heavy thud of the boots, adrenaline courses through my veins and I can't keep control this time.

I have to protect her; she needs to stay strong, for them. The first blow feels as if it will cave in my ribcage, but I hold my body still. The second is to my temple, the third my chin. I take blow after blow, never once whimpering, speaking, or attempting to fight back. As another punch to my face sends me sprawled on the ground, I push myself back up into the position. Somebody grabs me by the hair, and I am pulled to my feet, a kick to each knee. Blow after blow I take before they drop me in a pool of my blood.

"Take her back to her cell, she's no used to anyone in this state," he says.

Somebody yanks to my feet and I stumble, another blow to my stomach. You will not break her, I will protect her, you have no clue what's coming to you.

"Take her to the doctor," a voice outside my cell says causing my body to jolt up.

Every part of my body screams at me for my sudden movements, one wave of pain is followed by a wave of anger. I hate these people so much; we are the shit on their shoes, the slaves, and their punching bags.

"Get up Maestro, you're going to see the Doc," the man says, and my one eye is so swollen shut I can't even see who it is.

This is exactly what I needed to happen if I am ever going to pull this plan off. Forcing myself slowly back to my feet, every inch of my skin feels blistered and torn open, but I just grit my teeth. Two rough hands grab each of my arms and drag me down the hallway, my knees give out, but they just carry me like a ragdoll. The whispering starts again as I am drug all through the corridors. I don't lift my head once.

Walking into an open door I am pushed into the inspection chair and then the guards leave. Closing my eyes, I try to have the thunderous pain in my body calm down for just a moment, but I flinch when I hear a women's voice.

"I never thought I would see your face again," her cold voice says. I feel an ice pack being put on my eye and stomach.

"Trust me, I'm not here willingly," I growl out annoyed.

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