Chapter one ariving in Melbourne

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I arrived at my new house, I was very happy to start my new life and I will try my best to forget my horrific childhood. When I was in my early teens (when I first hit puberty), my parent started to get into drugs and they were drinking way to much alcohol, they did a little bit of illegal stuff when I was younger but they started doing more dangerous stuff when I got older. I usually had to make my own dinner and look after myself because my parents were always out doing stuff. I remember one time, dad came home without mum, he knocked my out, then raped me when I was only 13. Ever since then, I've been locked up in my room on my phone. I stole a bunch of food and water from the cupboards and just hid them in my room so I wouldn't starve or dehydrate to death because I certainly wasn't going to ask my parents for some. When I turned 18, I finally had enough so I packed my bags and flew to Melbourne to start my life. I lived in Tasmania but I heard Melbourne was a good city.

I opened the door to my house, it was big but not to big. It had 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen, a dining room and a lounge room. Just the way I liked it. I figured since it's only late morning, I would start unpacking.

After 5 hours of unpacking, I decided to get to know he neighbours so I walked outside and decided to go and introduce myself to my neighbours in the left house. I walked up to their door step, knocked and waited a couple of seconds until they came to the door. A handsome boy with dark hair, gorgeous brown eyes and he was maybe in his late teen years greeted me.
"Hey, how can I help you?" The boy said
"I just moved in next door and I would just like to introduce myself. I'm Maddison Brown." I replied politely
"Well in that case, hi I'm James Yammouni."
"Nice to meet you." I said
A few seconds passed and we didn't say anything, I was just about to go back to my house when he finally said something.
"Do you want to come in?" James said with a smile that would melt anyone's heart.
So a stranger wants me to come in, I can't let a stranger take me under their wing, no I'm just going to go back home.
"Um sure." I smiled back.
Why the heck did I say that?
I stepped into his huge house to take in my surroundings.
"My friends are coming around in a couple of minutes, would you like to meet them?" James asked
If they're as cute as you. Shut up Maddi.
"Sure, why not? I have nothing else to do." I replied staring into his amazing eyes.

James opened his mouth to say something but I couldn't hear him because I was too busy staring at him.
"Maddi?" James asked confuesed
"Yeah sorry, what was that?" I said snapping myself back to reality.
"I just asked why did you move here?" James said
"Oh.. Uh.. I came here to start a new life." I said trying not to let the memories come back.
I heard a car door slam and people laughing and talking outside. I looked at James.
"It's okay, it's just my friends, come meet them." James said taking my hand
Just pull away.
"Okay." I replied walking toward to door while holding James hand.

Just Me and You (A James Yammouni fan fiction) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now